I’ve had to fill this type of doc out in previous projects and it’s been super helpful for getting to know your teammates and their working style before things like miscommunications and scheduling conflicts arise, so we’d love if we could all fill this out 😊

Here’s an article on how to fill it out but you can also search “how to work with me” doc for more examples

Note: I did mine in a different style of the doc that I for some reason cannot seem to find anywhere on the internet at the moment(how convenient), so I’ve linked an article that covers a slightly different format but its the same concept really.

How to work with me article on Medium

Instructions: Please use “/” to create a sub page on this page and then fill it out with your how to work with me sections, you can add or take out sections, whatever you think is important for us as your team to know and understand as we work through this project together.

I will start by posting mine below, please note, this is a safe space and as you’ll see with mine some of the information is more vulnerable, it takes a lot of courage to put that out there for people to see but its for the betterment of the collaborative workspace that we are trying to create and embody. You can share however much you are comfortable with, please feel free to reach out to myself or Kat if you have any questions or concerns with this exercise.


How to work with Mika

How to work with Kat

How to work with Jimin

How to work with Elise

How to work with Kristianne

How to work with Kathan

How to work with Desarae

How to work with Jasper

How to With with Dom

💖How to work with Julia