Schedule: I’m generally available Mondays to Fridays from around 9am-6pm PST. I can also be contacted during the weekends, although my schedule during those days can be inconsistent.

Communication: I can be contacted directly through Slack messages. If it’s especially urgent, sending an additional email is helpful too.

Devices: I tend to use an older laptop during team calls and meetings. Apologies if I ever lag behind or have slight technical difficulties.

Noise: I have a loud, energetic dog who loves to bark. There may be times when I’ll have to stop talking and mute my microphone because of the noise.

Other responsibilities: Outside of TechFleet, I also do freelance writing and draft weekly articles for an entertainment website. If I ever sound scatterbrained or sleep-deprived, I do apologize.

Figma: I consider myself to still be a Figma newbie, and this will be my first time learning Auto Layout. I’m always open to pointers and advice on how to better use Figma.

Personality: I can sometimes be hesitant to speak up or volunteer for certain roles. This is mostly due to my introverted personality and my lack of previous UX project experience. But I still want to help out the team however I can, and be useful wherever my skills are best suited.

Feedback: I am generally non-confrontational, but I appreciate positive/constructive feedback if there are any decisions I should consider changing. "Compliment sandwiches" are nice as well, and I'll try to reciprocate that whenever it's appropriate.

Habits: I have a tendency to ask a lot of questions for clarification or whenever I’m confused on how to complete certain tasks. Like, a lot of questions. I’m not trying to be annoying on purpose, I promise. I just like to improve and get things right.