Conditions I like to work in

I’m pretty flexible with working environments and can truthfully work from anywhere.

My ideal conditions though are probably in a relaxed office space or coffee shop with nice lighting.

Time & hours I like to work

Mornings and evenings. I do work part time as a production assistant for an apparel brand, so if you message me you might not receive a response until I’m home after 5pm. It’s just because I’m not in front of a computer with my current role, but I promise that I will get back to you!!

Communicate with me

Slack, e-mail, and text. I don’t really like phone calls, so please avoid doing that, if possible.

I like to receive feedback

Direct and to the point. I’m very receptive to criticism and more than likely will apply the changes requested. If I don’t apply a change, I probably have a solid reason as to why and won’t mind sharing why I think it should stay the same.

Things I need

I like it when people open up in conversations whether personal or business! It just creates a more solid team dynamic and allows for better collaboration. Like for example, telling a funny story about what your pet just did or sharing what the career change process has been like for you.

Most of the time I have to think on solutions and can’t always come up with ideas right on the spot, especially in team meetings. I do need time to think and reflect.

I am someone who can ask a lot of questions because I like my designs to be incredibly precise and I spend a lot of time researching specifications and certain processes. So if you’re someone I’m reporting to, there’s a chance I’m always gonna have questions and I just ask for patience is all.

Things I struggle with

Working on a task with no set directions. I work better with instructions and tools that I can reference. Otherwise, my brain will get too creative, so to speak, and I will probably miss the mark.