
  1. Deadline: I do my best to be punctual and meet deadlines but I will be forward in saying that sometimes things do just happen where my schedule gets tricky. If that happens, I WILL absolutely reach out to whoever a delay on my end might affect as soon as I know.

  2. Written vs verbal: I’m fine with written usually. (Slack DM/Email/LI message) If there is an issue or something that will be too complex to write out then I prefer to use huddles via slack to talk it out really quick and hop on the same page.

I’m typically always near my phone so just message me if something comes up and I’ll usually be able to get back to you.

Communication in general I work with an over-communication type of mindset with the goal of minimizing any errors that could come up later due to me not communicating all the details prior. I just believe that doing so helps us to be more efficient in the long run. That being said, I may reach out to you and ask for details about something or I may ask about something more than once if I don’t quite understand it the first time. If it comes off annoying I apologize in advance, the intention behind it is to gain clarity to be able to do the best job that I can on this project and for our team.

I do not expect you to share the same mindset, I don’t see this being too big of a problem since we are a smaller team but anytime something is decided that will affect me or my workflow/timeline I’d just like to request that you communicate with me on it. It can totally be brief, I just appreciate knowing and being able to be prepared :)

  1. Clear responsibility: Kat and I will do our best to assign clear deadlines for things but we will definitely also keep things flexible as needed with an Agile work environment. We will communicate on any changes to you all as soon as we know.

  2. Team values: I value honesty, transparency and you guessed it, communication the most.

  3. Personal time/Other work time commitments: I work a part time during part of the week and also have a client at the moment I freelance for part-time. That being said I am typically OOS Friday and Saturday during the week and part of the day Wednesday. Feel free to DM me with any questions you might have anytime. I’m usually not too far from my phone, I’ll always get back to you as soon as I can!

I have two dogs, one of them being a puppy 🐶. Sometimes during calls or in general my dogs will either need to go outside or will need something directly, I’ll communicate on this when needed

  1. Conflict Resolutions: It's unavoidable to have conflicts long term sometimes in projects. Thats just life. The way I like to handle conflicts is to have a 1:1 call, align on our common goals, and resolve the conflict.

I love feedback. That is the best way for me to grow. So, please tell me any concern or feedback you have but please don’t be rude when giving feedback. I truly appreciate and will always extend the same courtesy back to you.

  1. Outgoing personality: I am pretty outgoing when I feel more comfortable in a work setting, sometimes I make small jokes or add humor when talking during meetings/work interactions. I’m used to being in work environments where we joke around often so I may be oblivious sometimes to that.

That being said, if I joke and it comes off the wrong way, please feel free to talk to me and let me know. l I always want to be mindful in respecting my teammates but we all are just meeting and I don’t know any of you well enough yet to know your boundaries.

  1. Neurodivergency: I became aware about a year ago that I may have undiagnosed ADHD. Because of this it can take my brain just a little longer to get on track when we are talking about things and they happen to get complicated very fast. It’s pretty touch and go, sometimes I understand something right away and can get ahead and sometimes I have to watch meeting recordings twice or more or practice doing something multiple times to dissect and examine what I want to learn more closely.

All I request is patience and understanding with this if I ask extra questions or for more detail, thanks! :)

We all be learning in different ways yknow? 🤷🏻‍♀️

🌻 Thanks for reading! 🌻