Conditions I like to work in:

∙I like to work in quiet conditions on a clean and organized desk, usually with a cup of coffee or tea.

Times and hours I like to work:

∙Mornings are my favorite time to work but I will work until the evening (around 5ish), unless I have a scheduled meeting. I try to save evenings and Sundays to spend with my wife.

Communicate with me:

∙I check Slack regularly throughout the day. Always open to hopping on a Zoom call or GoogleMeet if we need to brainstorm/problem-solve something together. Figma comments are also great!

Things I need:

∙I strive to contribute to a safe, inclusive, and respectful workplace.

∙I really value open communication with clear expectations and deadlines.

∙Sometimes I do need time to think about something and come back to it.

Things I struggle with:

∙I am an introvert so I do get nervous speaking in front of a group of people (even remotely). I am trying to push myself by putting myself in situations where I have to do this more often. Thanks for your patience and support!

I like to receive feedback:

∙I take my feelings out of design feedback so please be as honest as possible - I want to learn from all of you and grow as a designer. That being said, wording your feedback kindly is of course appreciated.

Things I love:

∙Learning! I am always learning something new. Please feel free to share books, articles, podcasts, or other resources that you enjoy as a designer - I will do the same if you are open to it!

Other things to know:

∙I am transitioning from a career in farming and floral design to a career in UX so I am new to some of the software and technology. I am teaching myself as much as I can and am so excited to learn and collaborate with you all, especially on this project that feels so near and dear to my heart.