Kickoff Date: Monday August 14th 🎉


Important Links

<aside> 🌐 Sean’s Legacy Team Figma Sean’s Legacy Phase 3 Design FigJam Sean’s Legacy Phase 3 Design Figma Sean’s Legacy Design System

Design Phase 2 Links SL UXD1 Design Handoff Phase 2 Final Demo to Client SL UXD1 Figma SL UXD2 Figma


Phase 3 Meeting Recordings - Google Drive

Phase 4 Handoff Documents

UXD Phase 4 Recommendations

Onboarding Documents

How to Work with Me

Product Vision & Phase 3 Goals

Design Guidelines Requirements

Ready for Dev Checklist

Design & Infrastructure Docs

Cross Team Liaison Meeting Notes

Phase 2 Handoff Document

Sean’s Legacy Phase 3 Working Agreements

Meeting Schedule