Each team should take responsibility for showcasing their contributions in a way that aligns with business, user, and technical objectives. A walk-through should commence with all presenters and PM 24 hours before to identify blockers or issues. Any questions let us know. We are open to any adjustments to agenda if necessary. PM team is facilitating this demo session only.

PM will review Demo presentation soon. If we have any questions, we will notify teams.

Sprint 2 Demo Format

  1. Introduction by PM (5 min)
  2. Team Contributions (Each Group: 10 mins max) (30min)

Each presenter will be gently reminded by a PM to wrap up if close to time limit. Adjust time acccordingly as you are speaking.

  1. Sprint 3 Goals (5 min)
  2. Client Feedback (20 min)

Tips for Success

Sprint 2 Demo Introduction

Demo Introduction