<aside> ⚠️ Problem: The scarcity of supportive resources providing academic, career, and cultural support for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults intensifies isolation and suicide ideation, an issue Sean's Legacy aims to mitigate.


Product Vision

Sean's Legacy is committed to creating an online mentorship platform, connecting LGBTQ+ young adults aged 18+ with professional mentors. Our vision is to foster academic and career development, promote understanding of cultural workplace norms, and provide a safe space for advice and affirmation. Through this platform, we aim to instill a sense of belonging and hope, working towards the prevention of suicide ideation among LGBTQ+ individuals.

Phase 3 Provisional Product Goals

Push the service to a Minimum Marketable Product (MMP) level

  1. Define and execute the MMP scope with the client and team. *Review the MMP features list for a detailed breakdown including, but not limited to the features below:*
    1. Test, iterate, and build onboarding, profiles, dashboards, and search designs
    2. Focus on scheduling functionality with Calendly
      1. Decide on the scheduling process: should mentors set their availability for mentees to book, or should mentees request times for mentors to approve?
      2. Design, test, and build
    3. Design Help/FAQs page
    4. Optional: Prepare Mentee-Mentor Matching Algorithm
      1. While the primary focus is on the features listed above, consider conducting preliminary research and planning for the matching algorithm’s development
  2. Focus on design debt from phase 2
    1. Implement usability testing recommendations from phase 2 mentor designs
    2. Align mentor and mentee designs (typography, spacing, UI)
    3. Determine use cases and error states
    4. Create responsive designs for developer handoff (mobile, tablet, desktop)
    5. Perform accessibility audits and update design system with changes
    6. Auto-layout implementation
  3. Perform validation and evaluative UX research throughout the entire project
    1. Validating Phase 2 designs
    2. Exploratory research on new flows
    3. Consult with Sean’s Legacy’s Masters of Public Health Research team
    4. Exploratory research on potentially contentious features (refer to UXW handoff doc)
  4. Standardize content copy and continue establishing the voice and tone across the service
    1. Perform early content copy audits to standardize mentee & mentor designs in terms of sentence case/title case, CTA labels, section titles, and general language
    2. Follow and continue defining the content style guide
  5. Focus on data privacy with client and team
    1. How might we manage users' personal information in a way that upholds Sean's Legacy's values and ensures user security?