@Faezeh Faezipour @Steffi Liem @Qianhui Hub @Christine Huynh

Please Review the Privacy Plan prior to session: Privacy Plan Sean's Legacy

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Mentee post onboarding usability discussion guide

Notetaker Name:

Landing Page:

What are user's initial impressions of the Landing Page?

Do they understand the website's purpose and function?

Prompt Click Pathway Success Notes Observations Follow-up Questions for Participant
Provided: Example: Email → Password → Sign in 0
Not completed
Completed with difficulty
Easily completed Note why was the user successful or not successful, e.g., wrong pathways, confusing page layout, navigation issues, terminology. Include emotions here: (satisfaction, frustrations, confusion)
Sign up: Create an Account
Onboarding: Email verification, How to book/minimum info/focus area, 2-factor authentication
User dashboard
Mentee profile: Create a profile
Search and filter: Find a mentor
Mentor profile
Match questionnaire [if not selected in “Find a mentor”]

Questions asked by participant / Feedback Given?