<aside> ✅

Dev Kanban

Dev Tickets


Team Hub

Phase 2 handoff documentation

Phase 1 Dev Handoff

Team Members

Meeting recordings and notes

Team Representatives

Important Links For This Phase

<aside> 🌐 Current live site: https://seans-legacy.vercel.app/


<aside> <img src="/icons/branch_orange.svg" alt="/icons/branch_orange.svg" width="40px" /> Github Repository: https://github.com/Sean-s-Legacy/seans-legacy


<aside> 🎨 Figma working file: https://www.figma.com/file/cdVBgizYiP073UdGj2Zq2U/SL-UX-Design?node-id=2752%3A242115&t=nGmgXLck4mAuGNrp-0


<aside> 🔒 Passwords and SDK API keys: get in touch with Anca - [email protected]


Project Documentation

Sprint Roadmap

Phase 2 Features

Git Workflow

Tech Stack / Resources

Process Questions to Consider (phase 2)

Process Questions to Consider (phase 3)