<aside> <img src="/icons/help-alternate_red.svg" alt="/icons/help-alternate_red.svg" width="40px" /> For leads to answer at the start of Phase 3


Q. What type of ticketing system do you want to use and how do you imagine doing your sprint planing? Who should be creating your main engineering tickets? (Keep in mind product strategy will do epics or stories that encompass the feature, this would be dev dependent)


Q. Who’s in charge of code reviews and PRs?


Q. How do you want to handle testing? (From an overall sprint version testing or a feature one at a time?)


Q. How do you want to incorporate QA and discussions of bugs during testing? How will you define acceptance criteria? (QA will be ran by Product Strategy)


Q. How do you want to handle planning? Tickets created and handled kanban (ie take the first ticket and work)? More agile?
