<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/8f6dd09a-15e4-4f26-b7c0-df6d95885822/Misty_pfp.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/8f6dd09a-15e4-4f26-b7c0-df6d95885822/Misty_pfp.png" width="40px" />

Hey rookie! This dashboard will help you manage your life, projects, and work. In case you missed it, here’s the Welcome to Cajun Koi Academy! page.

Learn how to use the template here ⤵️


Ready to level up? Check out Study Quest, the ultimate experience offered at Cajun Koi Academy ⤵️

Study Quest — Cajun Koi Academy



  1. Create new projects by using the +New beneath the correct tag.

  2. Fill out project properties

    1. Project Name
    2. Project Priority
    3. Date (Range)
    4. Assignee (who is in charge of the project)
  3. To create new tags, use the + to the right and add new tags

  4. Add upcoming tasks

    🍵 → not started

    🔄 → in progress

    ✅ → complete

    ♽ → archive

  5. Fill out task properties as well (if you know them)

    1. assignee (who will do the task)
    2. priority of the task
    3. date of when the task will be complete


  1. Projects moved to the active area are in motion. Keep track of the progress of each project with the Completion property.
  2. Move projects to complete or archive them as you work through them!


There are 5 views in the Sprints dashboard

Current Sprint → shows the current sprint you are in. Move tasks by clicking and dragging them across the Kanban board to complete them. Once all tasks are complete (or you are finished with your sprint, click the complete button too see your stats and begin the next sprint.

All → shows a table view of all your previous, current, and planned sprints. You’ll also be able to see general overall properties for each sprint, including number of tasks, completion, and date.

Sprint Planning → use this area to plan out sprints. In the backlog group, check the boxes of all tasks you want to include in your sprints, and then click and drag them into the sprint group!

Timeline → shows a timeline view of all upcoming and current sprints.