Team Communication and Collaboration Guidelines
- Hand Raising: Feel free to use the hand-raising function in larger meetings to keep things orderly. It's not required but can be helpful.
- Camera Use: Cameras are optional. Use them as you feel comfortable.
- Meeting Roles: We'll rotate roles for chair, timekeeper, and notetaker in each meeting. The chair will send out agendas at least a day ahead via Notion. Everyone is encouraged to add questions and items to the agenda.
- Note Taking: We're open to using AI for note-taking. Please post relevant notes and links to the Slack channel on our Notion page.
Team Responsibilities:
- Ambassadors: Ambassadors have a key role and can attend other meetings freely. Decisions about rotating ambassadors will be made before each sprint.
- Updates: After meetings, ambassadors should share relevant notes to our Notion page.
- Response Times: No need to respond over the weekend. If you need a timely response, please specify when.
- Availability: Let us know as soon as possible if you're unavailable for a meeting. Meetings will be recorded.
- Tagging in Slack: Feel free to tag team members in Slack posts when it clearly pertains to them. Don’t be shy!
- Project Channels: It's good practice, especially for the product team, to monitor other team messages. Using emoji reactions is encouraged.
Direct Messages vs. Team Channels:
- Team Channel: Use for messages meant for posterity and visibility to other teams.
- Group DMs: Use for scheduling issues or more private matters.
Documentation and Updates:
- Notion Docs:
- Meeting agendas are updated by the meeting lead.
- Notes are updated by the notetaker.
- Ambassadors update notes related to other teams and kanban tickets.
- Editing Permissions: Everyone can have editing permissions on our Notion pages.