We will document work agreements as they are finalised and adjusted throughout Phase 3 of the Taíno World Project.

29 January 2025 :: Recording of Initial Work Agreements session during Sprint 1 (1st 30 min): https://fathom.video/share/FPAARimC5hdpdZqxKaUqQf4MjV86yyBL

Work Agreements as of 29 January 2025

Work Tools Working and Meeting Hours Scheduling Meetings Client Interaction / Communication Communication Feedback Support Teammates & Respect
Co-leads have Admin access to the TWP Team on Figma, which means they have the ability to add their team members and edit their access. This is all under the Admin tab on the side. async stand-ups
weekly, by Wednesday in Discord channel I would like to ask that meeting dates for all teams meetings are announced early in the week if possible. This would help with planning the week. Consistent communication with client on design, content, research decisions, etc.
For transparency, try to use Project channels for project business, and avoid DMs (unless there are confidentiality issues) Ask permission before giving constructive feedback. Practice servant leadership: proactive support, never assume, go the extra mile.
A centralized Notion page which collates each subteam’s sprint tasks (maybe with indicator of each task’s progress?) as well as team-wide sprint objectives.

Branching pages for each subteam that everyone can access that has more details about subteams specific sprint tasks such as who it is assigned to and its progress.

Could have a single Notion page that is a repository of each meeting’s summarized key points with links to full recording/transcript

Sprint planning page for all sprint tasks | Specify time zone whenever mentioning a time | Sprint planning meeting (start of every sprint) Demo Retro Stand ups (asynchronous) | Post questions to Notion page for Questions to Client | Overcommunicate: Share updates, questions, and blockers proactively via Discord.

Own Commitments: Each team member updates their progress regularly within their working group and the larger team. | Frame feedback and every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow.
 | Celebrate Follow-Through: Acknowledge and celebrate when we accomplish the items we set out to accomplish. | | Notion page linked from Main Phase 3 page for Work agreements - all versions of work agreements will be posted there. Notion page for All Hands meetings, but sub-team meetings notes/recordings are on the sub-team’s pages | Record (with transcription) every meeting - those not present agree to catch up by watching/reading meeting summaries Key points of last team-wide meeting posted in team-wide discord chat Key points of last cross-teams meeting posted in each attending subteam’s discord chat

Each subteam has set hours (agreed on by subteam) during which they are open for meetings with other teams, to address blockers, etc. | It was suggested that sprint ceremonies are scheduled the same for every sprint, and it’s just up to individuals if they can make it or not. I like that suggestion instead of a Lettucemeet link for every sprint. | Project Management team owns communication with client. | Edit access for our Figma files is reserved for UXD team members and any other parties we are working with. Our Figma file is open to anyone who would like to see what the UXD team is working on, but we would like to ask that you refrain from leaving unsolicited comments/feedback on our designs. Comments are a way for our team (and other involved parties) to give feedback to each other while we work. We would like to not pollute the Figma file with comments not related to work.

Any unsolicited comments will be removed. | Take feedback with respect, and reflect on how to take in or work on the feedback given | Say, “good morning” or “Have a nice day” | | Make sure that we try to make all information on Notion so we don’t have to go back and forth between Google Docs/Sheets and Notion

Use Notion as full repository | Share in discord general chat that the link is up for recording /transcription

If use fathom, don’t need to post key points | Synch meetings for team-wide meetings once a week? Preferably a set time which does not change from week to week.

Subteams choose themselves if their own meetings are synch/asynch frequency chosen by subteam members

Cross-subteam meetings should be synch

Communication of team-wide meetings as early as possible, preferably a week in advance, but at latest 3 days before meeting. | Project Management team will email questions to client every Friday. | Communicate and respond to messages within 24 hours, 48 hours on weekends

Post bullet points and action items for All Hands sessions within 48 hours | | Give permission to everyone to refer to work agreements when a teammember is not following through on them. | | Post recording links to Notion in a timely manner

Use Fathom to record, notes and recording are emailed to attendees automatically (no account required to view them) | | Use lettucemeet to plan meetings Record every meeting - agree to watch/catch up on notes if meeting is missed. Fill in people who miss the meeting of key points in each group’s group chat. | We need to have bi-weekly client meetings. Teams need to converse with the client rather than through a filter (e.g. client questions sent in email) so that we can ensure that we cover all bases. We can also give better context in what is going on. | Raise hands Leave room for questions at the end Cameras preferably on for subteam meetings (but if someone very opposed does not need to have it on) Camera up to individual for team-wide meetings Cameras on for client meetings!!! Explain choices End meetings on time User Timers Agenda Send agenda day before meeting. | | | | Ensure all team members are granted access to team files (or perhaps set access to anyone with the link can view) | | Utilize synchronous meeting time efficiently: try limiting agenda items to a specific amount of time.

Other team members can chime in with a time check to avoid getting stuck on 1 thing for too long | Q&A with demos Each team has specific time Every friday - PM is sending email with questions Questions to client listed on Notion - everyone can add - Will work with PM / PS to simplify | I would like to suggest that we regularly check the Notion pages of other teams to know what they are working on. We should treat these Notion Pages as a repository that has information on what the team is working on. | | | | | | I would like to have the meeting agenda provided in advance before the meeting, especially for workshops, in order for people to prepare ideas in advance to have a productive meeting | | Make sure everyone is heard - if multiple people try to speak up at once, make sure to circle back to whoever didn’t get a chance to speak | | | | | | All Hands sessions (Sprint planning, retrospectives, sprint demos), are scheduled during hours that are inclusive of all the time zones (PST - CET) - (Not sure that’s possible) | | | | |