Weekly Monday Meeting, 21 Feb

  1. Laura from UXR joined our meeting and shared more about what UXR is doing and where we could collaborate more (they’ll be focusing on starting interviews this week)
  2. Katerina from UXD1 joined too and shared more about how UXD1 is working on the screens for the mentee onboarding flow, which is finalised.
  3. I had a quick call with Ella on Monday on the broad content for the minimum input required from mentees during the sign up flow (we’re thinking just first name + timezone) but not on the exact copy, and I imagine the same will happen for the other screens
  4. Shared the draft IA for the mentor dashboard I started on for UXD2

Focus areas for the week!

  1. Content style guide — adding more to the word list and standardising terms [Jaime]
  2. Focus group 1 - Working with UXD1 on the broad content structure and copy for the onboarding screens [the exact copy can be iterated on before/after testing in later sprints, so the focus can be on the broad content for now] [Jaime/Bo]
  3. UXD1 flows and async discussions are on their figjam here.
  4. If either of you is able to join the UXD1 meeting this week on Wed (timing tbd) and Fri (3-4.30pm EST) that wld be good! I think they will be working on the screens for onboarding flows then.
  5. Go ahead and claim some screens on our UXW figjam with stamps!
  6. Focus Group 2 - mentor dashboard IA [Dana] and user flows (tbd). [Dana] will attend the UXD2 thurs meeting.
  7. Feel free to add on / leave comments on the draft IA on the UXW figjam!
  8. [Deprioritised, but feel free to claim these tasks on figjam too if you feel keen] Content development - brainstorming messaging/copy for empty states (e.g if a mentee doesn’t have any mentor matches yet) and 404/error screens