1. Sprints Slide Deck
    1. 1 more person to present
      1. Right now we have Lillian, Zane (maybe not due to sickness), & Eli
    2. We unfortunately have to change the design of our slides to align with the Phase 3 Final Demo Slide Deck
      1. Nicole: DO NOT change the formatting on colors/backgrounds/fonts so that it stays consistent
    3. There's also an Insights (What didn’t work so well?) & Recommendations slide on the Phase 3 Final Demo Slide Deck that we don't have in ours
      1. We could combine this with our next steps slide (and have it be quicker)
      2. We could have what people wrote from Sprint retros for the Insights part, e.g., minimizing no shows, avoiding leading questions
    4. Slide condensing brainstorm (?)
    5. Mock presentation (?)
  2. Beyoncé