Objective: Test cross-chain sending functionality with experienced users
Welcome to our usability study, and thank you for your time. Before we start, can you let me know how you’d like to be addressed?
Thanks. My name is [name], and as you probably already know, I’m part of a team working to develop a crypto wallet browser extension to help make it easier to send tokens across different blockchains.
Today we’re going to be taking a look at a prototype of a crypto wallet browser extension our team is working on to help make it easier to send tokens across different blockchains. During the session, we’ll ask you some general questions about your thoughts and opinions about the prototype, as well as ask you to perform some specific tasks. As you explore and complete the tasks, please voice your thoughts out loud as much as possible.
Before we get started, please note this prototype is still a work in progress, so as you move through it, you might notice that some features don’t work or aren’t clickable. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. We didn’t design the prototype, so you can’t hurt our feelings. We want your honest feedback.
The entire session should take about 20 minutes. Does that still work for you? Is it okay with you if we record the session? We won’t share the recording with anyone outside our team.
Objective: We want to learn more about the habits and behaviors of users who have experience using existing wallet extensions to explore and identify potential gaps and opportunities for K Wallet.
Welcome to our user interview, and thank you for your time. Before we start, can you let me know how you’d like to be addressed?
Thanks. My name is [name], and as you probably already know, I’m part of a team working to develop a crypto wallet browser extension to help make it easier to send tokens across different blockchains.