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Link to File: https://www.figma.com/design/ezDLMDdgi409FR3tzvPmsX/Usability-Testing-|-Phase-3?node-id=44-2
Link to Research Questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l84QUpzNnz2bGlWRY5otSbDz9UmtNTyP3mzIbzA_Vvs/edit?usp=sharing
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For UXD/UXW’s use only
Link to Research Questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l84QUpzNnz2bGlWRY5otSbDz9UmtNTyP3mzIbzA_Vvs/edit?usp=sharing
🔗 https://www.figma.com/design/ezDLMDdgi409FR3tzvPmsX/Usability-Testing?node-id=0-1
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This prototype mimics the landing page and the Island modals opening up. For this prototype, we had to use components rather than wireframes/frames, and we're unsure if this affects how Maze records quantitative data.
This is the new prototype created on 02/05. It plays audio and has the butterfly tooltip. The side drawer does not open on this prototype.
🔗 https://www.figma.com/design/ezDLMDdgi409FR3tzvPmsX/Usability-Testing-|-Phase-3?node-id=633-1905