Jump to video Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay, perfect. I think we're all set and. Before we start. I wanted to ask you, I know at the, at the screening, the first questions we asked you about your. Experience with crypto and with Kadina. But I wanted to ask you again, could you tell us do, if you have any Kadina experience? Massi Fazel: No, I don't have it. No, I, I don't have that experience. I'm a financial advisors. I have experience with cryptocurrency. I'm not actively going and do the trade, but I'm familiar. And I. Followed some stuff. No, but I, I'm not familiar with that. And I mean, I decided to be participant to, to participation in this study to help you guys to navigate the, the interface, but otherwise, no, I don't happen. None, none. The specific for that, but other platform, I have the experience, not. Too much. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: No, no worries. Massi Fazel: No worries. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: But then you have a little bit of experience with crypto. Would you say. With NFPS. Massi Fazel: Yes, because I'm a financial advisor. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Advisor. Okay. Great. So then before I start off with the specific questions about crypto. And Kadina and, and FTS. We wanted to ask you demographic questions. So could you tell us the gender you identify with? Massi Fazel: Gender. I'm a female. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Female. Okay. Perfect. And your age, if you only if you're comfortable 35. Massi Fazel: 35 35. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Your occupation right now. You say you're a financial advisor. Massi Fazel: Financial advisor. Yes. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Perfect. And you feel comfortable again, your marital status. Massi Fazel: I'm married. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay, great. And your nationality or origin? Massi Fazel: Persian Persian. I'm from Iran. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Great. And your current residential place. Chicago. Okay. Great. Perfect. Thank you. So then I think my first questions is. Knowing that you have at least a little bit of experience with crypto. What would be your recent activities that you've had with cryptocurrency trading? Massi Fazel: I don't do the trading because I don't have permission to do cryptocurrency trading. Is just against the, against the rules and law that I it's in my contract. I cannot do the trading in a cryptocurrency, but I. Follow it. So I'm a, I'm familiar with that, but I don't do the trading. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Massi Fazel: Because because I'm working for a. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: No worries. You can. Massi Fazel: For Edgar Jones. I mean, these companies, they don't allow you as a financial. Advisor to do anything that it's, it's not there under their control because they don't offer it. And it's not under control. I don't have a permission to do any trading about the cryptocurrency. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I think I can then try to adapt. The, the guide that we have maybe. To what you would not advise for your clients that I'm not asking your. Specific to and confidential questions like that. But then what would you say that, how would you choose a ch which to token to buy when trading crypto? I know you don't do it, but would you know how to answer this question? Massi Fazel: I don't do the trading, but if someone comes to me and then is it's asking me, okay, why you, why you guys don't offer the cryptocurrency? I have to questions I have, I don't have in enough training and knowledge about it. So then I can give you. The the correct wrong and right answer my second things that I always tell my client. Is a crypto it's really volatile. And it's a totally. Ups and down. And when you come to me, you come with the goal and value. And when you come to me, you are looking for a long-term relationship and long-term investment, the investment, and the wealth is not gonna accumulate by one day. So. Massi Fazel: Then the cryptocurrency to me is a day trading. It's so volatiles and then it it's, it doesn't have any fitting in a. Long-term investment and long-term relationship and retirement accounts. Eventually it might be, but not right now. So. And because I don't have enough knowledge, I don't recommend that product to any peoples. We have some funds mutual funds and ETF that has. Underlying of the funds and ETF there has. Some coin baseto and it has some cryptocurrency, which is. It's is still, we don't recommend it. If the clients want it, I will do the trading and I will buy it for it. But it's not, we don't actually put it in a portfolio. Not still. Massi Fazel: I mean, I know 10 years from now, that's gonna happen, but still right now, it's, it's so well volatile to put it in a retirement Acton. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay, Massi Fazel: And my, my main re my. Our purpose is just retirement. I call and long-term investment. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: understood to then, because it is so volatile. And not that stable. Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: It's hard for you to advise someone to invest in it. Massi Fazel: Sure. And we don't have it. I, I didn't get any training about that. So, and we don't offer that and actually we don't offer it actually. It's not a product that we offer. So when, when the is no, we can, we come, we cannot recommend it. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, no worries. So then coming back to this question that you're talking about, the limits that you see with crypto trading. So what would be the main barriers that you see that would impede stop you from being for involved in N F T and crypto trading at activities? Massi Fazel: Your voice was breaking up. When you ask me that question. So I didn't totally get the questions. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: No worries. Massi Fazel: If you repeat it again. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I can repeat it. Can you understand me right now? Massi Fazel: Now I can under, I, I can hear you, so, but you can ask it. Okay. Let me see if it's not gonna get break. Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Sure. Okay. Massi Fazel: Sure. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So I was asking you based in O off of your last question, if what would be then the main barriers that would stop you from being further involved in N F T and crypto trading activities. Massi Fazel: So what's my barrier. I mean, when, when someone come to me and. They wanna have a account with me. They, they come for me to have a long-term relationship. So if someone, if you bring tomorrow, if you bring your asset to me, I want you to stay with me through the generations and that asset is gonna pass through the generation and we do wealth management. When it comes to this specific. Product for us is not you. You cannot. With the specific ProDoc you cannot create a long-term relationship with the clients. You cannot create a trust. And it's not passing the wealth. So when, when, when I'm working with someone. Should should have a goal, Massi Fazel: should have a value. And we're working in a specific creative, specific strategy. We just, we don't create a strategy, a specific strategy for just one specific pro product product. We create a portfolio and we create the, this strategy to reach the goal to me, a spec just. One product or two products. The it doesn't answer and it doesn't, it doesn't allow the clients to reach their goals. I mean, to fight their, to reach their financial goals. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, Massi Fazel: So, yeah. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: a hundred percent understood. So then I, I wanted to just ask you again to see if I properly underst understood. So you can't yourself. Trade crypto. Right? You can. Massi Fazel: No, I can't. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Massi Fazel: I can't. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, cuz I was going to ask you, Massi Fazel: I mean, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I'm sorry. I was going to ask you your interests or motivation. With Massi Fazel: I mean, I can, I mean, I, I follow it and I know what's going on, but no, I cannot actively. Trade. I mean, I, I just can't. Trade some funds, ETF. That's. Underlying of that fund has a coined base or it has a crypto. And actually I have it in some of my. Client portfolio, but it's not, it's not actual cryptocurrency. You know, I don't have permission to, to do any trading. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: mm-hmm Massi Fazel: I mean, even my husband does that sometimes, but it's just, it's, it's not it's against the. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: yeah. Massi Fazel: My contract to do that. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Understood. So what then you, you, you're saying that you don't trade, but you still have some knowledge in it. So what would motivate you to get this? Pursue learning more about N F T and crypto. Is it because of your clients? Is it because of. Massi Fazel: No, because of my clients. I mean, you buy by the end of the day, when you, when, to me, when you have a meeting, you have to have a little bit knowledge of everything. So when, when, when the clients come and ask you tot wanna just be silent and tell the clients, okay, go and educate your. Yourself. I wanna have a little bit of education to talk about it, about my client. But not in a really deep end technical things that I cannot go. But, but I educate myself because, because I follow. The the stock market every single day. So then I have to know what's going on. I mean, what's going on in the stock market. What's going on? Is income market Mo income market. What's going on in a crypto. About what's going on in banking. Massi Fazel: To know that. Okay. If what's the reason that the market is up, what's the reason when the market is done to little bit, I mean, trying to have a little bit knowledge and education every single day when the clients comes and ask me the questions otherwise. Not not going through. Deep understanding of that? No, because we don't offer it. If, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Massi Fazel: if we were able to offer it, we have, we had lots of reviews. And we were able to, to. To have better understanding and better knowledge. Better knowledge. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Understood. Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: And then let me just ask you one thing. Have you ever used the block Explorer before? Massi Fazel: Nope. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: You've never used it before. Right? Massi Fazel: No, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Cause I was going to ask you cuz when we have, Massi Fazel: no, no. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: cuz we also have non-experienced users don't get me wrong. But when we have experienced users with crypto, we ask them to show us their. Their desktop. So how they use the block Explorer? But then I think I could. Already jump into the usability testing. I think I just want to ask Carrington and if he, if he has any questions regarding this interview section, if not, we can jump into the usability testing. No questions. Okay. So then I'm going to ask Carrington to put a link in the, 1 Massi Fazel: Sure. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: in the comment sec, in the comment section. Massi Fazel: Sure. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: And then you it's, it's a prototype. And then I'm going to, this is the moment that we will ask you to record your screen. Okay, so you can click on this and then we'll ask you to record your screen.
Massi Fazel: Okay. Record my screen or share my screen. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Your screen. I'm sorry. Share your screen. We're going. Massi Fazel: Share your screen. Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Massi Fazel: No, that's okay. That's okay. Okay. Share my screen. Okay. Okay. Are you seeing my screen? Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Not real. Oh, wait. Now I am. Okay. Perfect. Yes, I'm seeing. 1 Massi Fazel: you're saying Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So you can go to the, yeah, yeah. I can see it. Massi Fazel: okay. Okay. So just the Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: It takes a little, Massi Fazel: okay, what should I do? Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: a little while for you to work, maybe. No, lemme just let let's wait. Cuz it takes a while for you to work. Massi Fazel: I used Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I'm seeing yeah, I'm seeing that it's charging. Massi Fazel: hello. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Once it appears to me. I'll ask you some questions. So just before you, before we start the task I wanted I, Massi Fazel: I don't. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: can you listen, can you hear me? Massi Fazel: I didn't okay. But I don't, but I don't hear you very well. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Hello. Massi Fazel: So I just wanted to let you know, in case if you are talking and I don't do anything because I don't now, right? Yes. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Oh, I think it's a little bit delayed. Can you hear me right now? Karen, Jen, can you hear me? Carrington Lemon: I can hear you loud and clear. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Carrington Lemon: Yeah, let's just give her a moment to. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, of course. Massi Fazel: I don't hear you. Carrington Lemon: To handle the scandal, cuz that Figma foul is large. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, it is. It's do you hear me right now? Massi Fazel: Now. Yes. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Perfect. Don't worry if you can't hear me. I think it's because of the, the file. It takes a while. To, to, to load. But if you can't hear me, you can just let me know and we'll wait a bit until everything is, is better. Again. Massi Fazel: Now. Yes, I am hearing you. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I think this great. Massi Fazel: But it's not perfect. I just wanted to let you then. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So. Massi Fazel: Sure. Of course. I, I understand. Yeah. Yeah, I understand it. But if, if you ask me something and then if you. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I think it's a little bit delayed, cuz I think you're answering me a little bit after than what I. Asked you, Massi Fazel: To do anything. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: can you hear me now? Massi Fazel: Yes. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Carrington Lemon: Yeah. So I, I can hear both of y'all. I can hear both of y'all loud and quick. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: No, I can hear her too. Massi Fazel: Yes, I can hear you, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: It's it's just that I. Carrington Lemon: Yeah. Massi Fazel: but then do you want me to. Carrington Lemon: Yeah. So let's, let's Massi Fazel: Okay. Carrington Lemon: make let's wait file. Massi Fazel: That's okay. That's okay. We that's okay. We can, Carrington Lemon: Let's wait until the file loads. Massi Fazel: we can. Okay. As far as I. Okay. As far as I hear you guys, that's okay. Even with delay, but do you want me to do anything right now or should I wait? Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: No, let's just wait for the, the file to load. And while we do that, see, Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: it's already opening before, Massi Fazel: I think it's loaded. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: before we start, I just wanted to let you know. So this is a prototype. So not everything is clickable. Only what we'll ask you to do is go, is going to be clickable. So then let, let us just wait for the screen to appear. And then we'll start with the tasks. Carrington Lemon: And if there is concerns with hearing us, there is a transcript button at the bottom, right. Of the screen and you can read along as well. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay, can you hear me now? Okay. Perfect. Yeah. So the first question that the first task that I'll ask you to do. Is also one thing I'll say is that as you. You're not that experienced with crypto. If you don't understand any term terminology, you can just ask me. So, but the first task that I'll ask you to do. Is imagine that you have a request key. And then of a previous transaction of a token. That would be like the transaction ID. And then what, how would you find the details of this token? Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: That was this transaction. Massi Fazel: The transaction history. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: The token that was transacted. So let me repeat myself. Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Cause I, I, I, I might have. Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: If it's confusing. So you have a request key, and that would be the transaction ID of a previous transaction of a token. And then Massi Fazel: I mean, I can see that the transactions, this looks like the, the same trading that I always do it, but this is just, the name is dear friend. So. I see the transactions where the transactions are located. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: yeah. So could you find this transaction? Massi Fazel: Latest transaction. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: The details. Massi Fazel: You mean? Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: The transaction that just happened off a, a hypothetical token. Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: You have the, you have the transaction ID. So you would call like a request key. And then how would you find the, the, the information. Massi Fazel: The latest Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Of this transaction. Massi Fazel: transaction the, you, you, you are looking for the trade latest transaction, right? Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, a transaction that just happened. You, you, you just did a transaction of a token, Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: right? So you have this request request key. Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: And then how would you find the details of this transaction? If you're on this. Massi Fazel: The details on the transaction is here. So I, I can see it. Should I click on. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Oh, no. Carrington Lemon: Oops. She might have clicked the wrong thing. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: yeah. Carrington Lemon: Yeah. And real quick, I would say just sometimes letter, letter, just talk and. To herself cause it seems like she's freezing up and. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: What do you mean? Carrington Lemon: So it sounds like we're cutting each other off. So just if there is a pause, just let that pause happen. And she'll talk it out and then we can. Guide her if needed it. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Usability testing you mean? Carrington Lemon: Yeah. Yeah. And it's a lot happening, cuz she's like. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: But it's just because I had to explain it to her cuz she wasn't understanding like at first I said it wrong, the question then I reformulate it, but she wasn't understanding it cuz she isn't not that knowledgeable. The KP, as I understood. So she wasn't. I had to say transaction ID cuz she wouldn't understand requests. Carrington Lemon: Oh, no, no, no, no. I mean, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: And Carrington Lemon: cause there's like a delay for some reason. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: and this is the thing, like there's this delay and I'm like, okay. Carrington Lemon: Yeah. And so and so with, with that delay, just, you know, giving a few moments of silence, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: yeah, Carrington Lemon: so that. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I understand. Carrington Lemon: We're not all talking at the same time. I think that could be more, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Carrington Lemon: that could help a little bit too. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Do you wanna send her like an email? Carrington Lemon: Yeah, lemme go ahead and send an email. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Carrington Lemon: And say a we're waiting for you. Okay, let's go back. But otherwise, I think you're doing a really great job. Like you're. Asking all the right questions that I would've asked. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, it's just complicated. Like I had to like reformulate the whole kind. In my head because I. Cuz it's different. Carrington Lemon: I get it. Yeah, you're doing great. Keep it up. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, thank you. Just I was just, I was. Scared of how the task is going to. Happen as it was really an experience, but let's just see how it works. If she Carrington Lemon: Okay, I'm going. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: here's yeah. Carrington Lemon: I'm gonna send her the link now. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Hi, can you hear me? You're muted. I don't know if you're saying anything. Massi Fazel: Are you hearing me? I, I couldn't hear you at all after. It was a stock. The, the monitor was a stock and I couldn't hear you. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Now I can hear you perfectly. Can you hear me? Massi Fazel: Yes. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Perfect. So could we come back to the do, are you still near desk desktop or. Massi Fazel: Let me see. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Massi Fazel: Do you see my screen? No. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Not right now. Maybe let's. Massi Fazel: Okay, just gimme a second. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, sure. Massi Fazel: Are you seeing my screen? Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Not right. Oh yeah. I think it, it will pop up to me. Yeah, I can see your screen. Massi Fazel: Okay. So do you want me to click on something? Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. So this is the prototype. What we'll, we'll give you some tabs, right? And then. Massi Fazel: Okay. No, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Based on Massi Fazel: I, I understand that one. So do you want to click, do you want me to click on something right now or no? I mean, I know what you ask it before. So you told me that. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: okay. So. No. Sorry, you can go on, I was just going to say that like, you can click one where wherever you want, pretend that this is your screen. And you're really on a block Explorer. And then based on what I said, do what you would would you would do in real life as if this was a block Explorer, you can click, you can do whatever you want with the screen. Massi Fazel: Okay, based on the questions that you asked me. So I wanna go to the latest transaction that I have, this, the things that I see, this is the latest transaction that it's here. So it's one day ago, but it's not clickable. I cannot click it then them. The the, I don't know what, what do you say it, but then. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. So let me reformulate the, the question. So you already have a request key. So you already have this ID of this transaction. So you just want to see the details of this transaction of this token transaction. So what would you do to look for the details of this transaction in this screen? Massi Fazel: The details of the transaction is here. Is that the below of the screen that it says the late transaction? Is it a transaction statutes value from two time? And. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay, so then you you're. You're saying that you're seeing this as the transaction details, right? Massi Fazel: Yeah, this is, this is the, the, this is the daily. I I see it when I wanna look at the transactions I have the late, I have the transactions and I will go to the details when it, the time that it gets settled, the, how much was that? How many share was that? And the, the name of the stock or whatever it was that. So, or if it's settled, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Mm-hmm Massi Fazel: like when, when it sits here is approved transfer. So this is, this is by some, my experience. I look at it when I go to the details of one transaction. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: okay. Massi Fazel: I see on top of this mini the current price, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So then if you had an. Massi Fazel: but these are not to me. These are not the, the, the details of the transaction details of the transaction. This is when it happens from, I mean, who told me to do that? And how much was that? How many share was that? And the value of that. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Massi Fazel: The price. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, I understand what you're saying. So then if you're looking at this screen, you think of the only. Option to find this details of the transaction of this hypothetical token would be in this table that you're seeing. Or do you think that if you did something else with the screen, you could find this details. Massi Fazel: So go to December else. If I wanna go to the somewhere else. I will maybe click here to see if it gives me more options. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay, so you can click wherever you want. Massi Fazel: But it doesn't click that's my questions. I don't click. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I think it wa it was working when you clicked on it. It's just taking a while at least. Massi Fazel: No it, no. Now, now it's. Click. Yeah, it's I click on a filter option. It says block and token. I can't block token. Now it's now it's downloading. It says. Request key. I can't block token. It's so slow. So I, when I, when I click it, it doesn't give me. Okay. So if I wanna, this is one of the other things that I will go and I'll look for something. If I'm looking for it. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So you can go on and do. As if it's what you would do follow this procedure. Would you click somewhere else? Massi Fazel: No, actually that's the home that I don't go to. To the home. And if I look at the, the, the left side, it's just the crypto, the, the crypto shows the, the graph of it and the daily value. And then not these. I am based on my experience. I'm not gonna click on this, but if it's filter. Options. I will go to this. And then here that is since latest. Transactions and latest block. So I will go to, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Mm-hmm Massi Fazel: to these two. Or for example, that's says, says the transactions, I click on one of them and see what's going, what's coming. Yeah. So. If I wanna looking for the, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: yeah, but it's yeah. Massi Fazel: if I want. If I want, if I wanna go for something that you ask. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: But but then when you were in the filter options, you couldn't. Continue what you would do if you were there, like when you clicked on a future options, you said that this was an option that you would. Pursue. So what would you do after. Massi Fazel: Yeah, I click on the options, but it didn't the, yes. I click on the filter option. I mean, it came some, some options show. I saw some options and I click on it, but nothing happened. So let me do the again, to see if something happened. I click on it token. Tool in, but I don't know if it's. Okay. So request key. I can't block token. So I will click on a token. Carrington Lemon: Oops. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I think it's too heavy. Carrington Lemon: I, I think you're doing a, again, an excellent job. Yeah, we just gotta keep working with her. You're doing a really good job bill. I think you're doing really good. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: thank you. Carrington Lemon: The file might be too strong for the computer. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, it is strong from my computer. Like every time I open, it's such a. Hustle, Carrington Lemon: Yeah. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: but Carrington Lemon: And that's a, mm, see, maybe that's something to even consider as. UXers, right? Like the people who aren't in this field and have this technology, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I know. Carrington Lemon: how can we prototype what a regular human, when. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Carrington Lemon: They can't open the file or they keep getting kicked off of the network because of the wifi challenge. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. And this is just going to stress her out, you know, like. Carrington Lemon: Yeah, and I don't want her to feel bad that she's doing something wrong, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Carrington Lemon: cause there's no right or wrong, you know, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Carrington Lemon: it's really like, what's your process and how are you gonna do this so that we know. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Carrington Lemon: How to best accommodate for, for your needs. And I think maybe just reminding her that like, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Carrington Lemon: Hey, look, there's this, isn't a test. We just really want to know your, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Carrington Lemon: your process. Of how you would do this so that we can better. Design this for you. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Mm-hmm Carrington Lemon: And I think that might help knock off a couple of those levels of stress. And feeling like it needs to be done perfectly, but otherwise you're doing an excellent job. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: thank you. Carrington Lemon: I hit up Naya to let her know. That I might be a little late for the meeting. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: oh, yeah, it's seven 30. No one can be there instead of you. Carrington Lemon: Yeah. Yeah, I think everyone else is with time zone differences. It's a little challenging. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Oh, yeah. Cause it's late for John, John. Yeah. Carrington Lemon: Mm-hmm yeah. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: And yeah. Carrington Lemon: And other obligations. So I'm, I'm happy to help. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: No, Carrington Lemon: So is it okay? Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: of course. Carrington Lemon: If maybe at a certain point I hop off or would you prefer that I stay in. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I don't know. Okay. Carrington Lemon: Okay. We'll chat later. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Can you hear me? I think you're muted. If you're trying to speak. Massi Fazel: I was not when I was over there after I asked you a couple of times, then the, there was frozen the screen and I couldn't hear you. So. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Well, I I'm sorry. I think it's because of the file. I think the file is a little bit heavy. So, I don't want you to feel stressed out about this. I think you're doing a great job. But if you, if you're not feeling comfortable, Massi Fazel: No, I'm not stressed out about it, but then no, actually I'm not a stressed out about it, but then the, the time is valuable too, when you're spending the time for yourself. And for someone else, you, you wanna get the results, you know, it's not the 45 minutes. It's not the, it's not a time that. You get it free from someone that has a full-time job, but then to me, it's it's not user friendly because you ask me some questions. You're breaking up. I don't understand what you're saying. I ask, I repeat it again myself. Couple of times the screen gets frozen. So then, then will come, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: yeah, Massi Fazel: come back and then, then. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I completely understand if you, Massi Fazel: So to me, understand? Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: if you are not feeling comfortable too, if you have to. Come back to, to, to your, your job or, or if you have other obligations. Massi Fazel: No that's okay. No, that's okay. I, no, that's okay. I've been, I I'm gonna spend a 45 minutes for that. Told me 45 minutes. I'm gonna spend the 45 minutes for that test. That, but then you, you, you repeat yourself? I don't get it. It's for it gets free. Freeze your voice is breaking up. And I ask the questions that the screen get freeze, and then I don't know, what should I do? You know, you know what you're asking and you know, what's gonna be, what's gonna happen. I don't know. You know, I'm, I'm may, I'm a user your're using the user userability experience. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Massi Fazel: So I'm mean I should get inform. Informed what I need to do, but I ask a questions and I see that the. Okay. I don't hear back anything and I don't know what should I do? So. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. So let's Massi Fazel: I don't need to repeat it myself again. So then you let you let me know what I need to do. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: yeah. Okay. So if we, if you can share your screen again and I'll try to be more. Massi Fazel: Whatever, whatever I think is gone. So then I don't. Know, what, what I have to do it again. Okay, so let me, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I am sorry. Massi Fazel: no, that's okay. I was just saying that. Okay. Why it's going. Okay. Are you seeing my screen? Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Not right now, but I think you'll pop up in any second. Okay. Now I see your screen. So let's come back to where we were. So. You found the future options? And then I was just asking you. Knowing that, let me repeat you the, the question. Okay. So the question was. You have a transaction ID. So AKA a request key of a previous transaction of a token. So how would you find the details of this transaction? So then you said that you could go to the future options and you were trying to click on something. So could you con continue with that task that you were doing? Massi Fazel: No, I didn't. No, I didn't tell you that. I tell the, the details of the transaction. If I wanna look at the details of the transactions, I see the details of the transaction. Blow up the other options of there I go there, but I ask me, where do you go? If, if you wanna look at the second options I told you I will go. The filter option. If I wanna go the second round. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Yeah. Understood. Yeah, I'm sorry if I did, Massi Fazel: So for the second run. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I, I. Keep going Massi Fazel: No for the, if, if, if I wanna look for. Another options. I will go to the filter option. And then I click on token. I wanna click on the talking. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: so when you say. Massi Fazel: So when you. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I'm sorry, when you say other options, what do you mean by this? Cause when I said other options beside, I understood that what you said that looking for the transaction ID details. You already found them on the, on the table, as you said. So I asked you to find another option to in the screen to find this details. This is what I was asking you, but what do you mean by other options? Massi Fazel: I go to the filter option. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. And then what are you? You're trying to click on token. Massi Fazel: Yes, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: And it's not working. Would you click on something else? Massi Fazel: I can't. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Does it work? Massi Fazel: No. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Would you click on something else? Massi Fazel: Maybe I will go to the. Home and to find something on a home. Which is says Explorer. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So then you're saying that it, it's hard to find this. Details. If it's not on the table, right. It's confusing to you. It's not user friendly. As you said. Massi Fazel: No honestly, because I'm, I mean, I don't, I maybe I didn't get your questions. Correctly, but then I mean, based on my experience, when I'm gonna go through the, the details of one transactions, I look at it and I see the latest transactions over there. I mean, I don't, I don't know about how it works here, that it says a status value from two and time. But I have the similar thing when I'm working in my trade system. And I go to it and I see what's, what's the details of each transaction that I have it. Okay. What the time that the trade happened. From who the, the, the shed, how many shares was that? The price of that I will go to go to the, exactly the, the, the menu that you have it under your. Massi Fazel: It's in a, it's in a it's in the front page. The the first page there is. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: There's. Yeah, there's no worries. I mean, there's no right or wrong. I understand a hundred percent what you're saying. So then I think I'll just help you with this first task so we can continue with the, the second task. So we don't lose a lot of your time. So could you follow the steps that I tell you. So could you click again on the future option that you found first? Massi Fazel: I click it. Doesn't come when it comes. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: It's not. Massi Fazel: It's not. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Okay. It's it's, it's a lift. It takes a while. Yeah. So could you click on request key? Massi Fazel: I click it. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: It's not working. Massi Fazel: I don't know. What do you mean about it's working, but it's not working, but when I click it, the request key got. Bold. It was not bold. The color right now. It's bold. So, but then if you mean about the working and it's not working, it's like that it's working. But nothing else coming up. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, sorry. I couldn't see, I can't really see your screen cuz it's a little bit small here, but I understand. What you're saying. So then. Could you click on the, the search bar. Massi Fazel: If, if the mouse I know, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Just on the right side of the, on the right side of the. Massi Fazel: I know, but when. There are low one. If the, if the masks allows me. Okay. Okay here. Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Perfect. So can you click on search search please? Massi Fazel: Yeah. Sure. Nothing is happening. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Maybe let's wait a bit. Cause. I think it will work, but it's just a too heavy. Cuz I, Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: yeah. Okay. Perfect. Okay. So in this page. If I asked you to check the tokens details. How, where would you find this details in this page? Massi Fazel: This is the whole page that I'm seeing. This is the all right. Shouldn't go up and done. Right. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: You can scroll up and down. Massi Fazel: Transaction action. It's here requested key. The transaction action is here. Action. And two I'll look at here, send the on receiver icon. And transaction email. Let me see. Okay. To token. Transfer. Okay. So that one, you got it from someone and then two can transfer to $2. To two. The VA it's here transaction event. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So, if you were to go to another page, do you find this, these details? I mean, from this page to another page, if you had to click somewhere search somewhere, would, where would you click to find this tokens details? Massi Fazel: Here this transaction summary, lemme go to here. Blockage patch. Transaction action maybe, or or let me see. Or go here again. Transaction event, transaction action. Action. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: You can think out loud too. So what your process that you're thinking? Like where do you, you think you sh you should click or not? Massi Fazel: No. I said that I look at it as a transaction, even a transaction actions. If I wanna go to somewhere else. I'll go to the, again, that request key. And if I can't find it somewhere else, oh, other information here. If I wanna find some, if I, if I wanna, if I'm gonna find something about that, maybe I will click on something that he is says other information. About that transaction. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So if I asked you to find the tokens detail, Massi Fazel: So Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: this tokens, right? So the token that was transacted. You would click on other information. This is what you're saying. Massi Fazel: no, no. I said that I will click on here that transaction event. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Okay. Got it. You can try and click wherever you want and see if it works. So, if you wanna click on transaction event, you click and if it doesn't work, you can try something else. You can really. Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: See this as a, a, a real interface, and then you're clicking on it. To see if your work. Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: If you, you, we will work. And you can think out loud too. So tell me your, your process, like your. Massi Fazel: No, I'm not no, I'm not thinking right now because I'm trying to click on this stuff. So, but it doesn't allow me to click it and the mask goes so slow. So.
Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I understand. Massi Fazel: I wanna, if I, if I can use it, my. Finger because it's touches screen it's better than maybe. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: If you're clicking on something, could, could you let me know where you're clicking? Just so we understand where what's your. First stop that you're trying to do. Massi Fazel: I was clicking. I was okay. I was clicking on the transaction from an to. Two, and then it didn't work. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Massi Fazel: So. Go and click on the transaction. Actions on a link that is over their sender account and receiver account. To see if it's clickable here. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Massi Fazel: Okay. Is not a clickable. It's not a clickable. And this one is not a clickable too. I went to the other information. Still the other information I click on the. Block hash parent hash and logs. These are not clickable to, or I don't know if it's click clickable or not because of the, the it's so slow the system. I don't understand if it's clickable or not. So then. I don't know how long I should wait for each click. To see if it's clickable.
Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So if cause I was going to ask you, like re re repeat to you the question to see if repeating you would find it, but. Let me just repeat it to you. So. This, this token was, there was a transaction of a token, right? So, if you want to find the, the details of the specific token, it could be any token from. In this case we were talking about Kadina right. So if you wanna find the details of this Kadina token, and as I said could be, if this was another, another hypothetical situation, we could talk about the token from other companies. If you're talking about, oh no, Ethereum Bitcoin, but now we're talking about Cade. So if you wanna find the details of this to token. Where would you go in this, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: in this page? To find that. So you're, you're telling me, you'd say you would go to first transaction. Massi Fazel: Transaction event, I'll go to event. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Okay. Perfect. So then we can, I think I can just show you. How to go to the next page and then we could move on to the other tasks, but at the same time, I, I, I noticed that we're already reached 45 minutes and I know you said you wanted to go until 45 minutes. Massi Fazel: Hi. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Are you comfortable doing the other task or do you have other obligations that you need to. Massi Fazel: Hi. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: To, to go to right now. Massi Fazel: I mean, I, no, I have to, but no, but to me, I, I'm not a big help for you guys. Because then the, the way that I am handling the, I mean, I know the trading. And how to do trade, but not, I'm not familiar with that interface. And then in the meantime, the interface is so slow. So to me, it's not, I'm not helping you guys, and I don't want you to, I don't want you guys to spend more spend and I don't want spend more than this to me. I mean, I, I didn't feel that I'm gonna be. Helpful for you guys to get it. What's the problem of the interface. So if you think that it's helpful, 🖐Raised Hand Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: But I, Massi Fazel: I can spend another five minutes. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: I honestly, I think it is very helpful, like, cuz you're telling us why, where you're clicking. And even though you're not finding specific specifically, what is, is it, it this, because research is all to make it user friendly for people. That are not experienced at all with crypto. Massi Fazel: No, I am. Sure. Sure. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So I Massi Fazel: I understand what. Okay, yo, I mean, I understand what's the reason is it need, it needs for you guys to, to get it. If it's user-friendly or not, to me, I mean, it, it was not 100%, but I could able to see some stuff. Maybe I didn't. I didn't understand your questions correctly. I wish that I was able, but I'm not familiar with that kind of transactions. So, but anyway, if, if you think that I'm helpful, I can spend. Five minutes. More like around until 🖐Raised Hand Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: okay. So. 🖐Raised Hand Massi Fazel: 6 6 23, 6 25. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So Carrington, Massi Fazel: Now it's six. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: do you have a question? Or should we do the other. Carrington Lemon: Yeah, I just wanted to jump in. I did get the heads up that we have to wrap up this call because we have another one AF happening soon. In terms of the test, everything that's happening is pertinent. There's no right or wrong answer. So please continue to walk us through and talk to us about why you're doing what you're doing so that we can develop more. Insights and findings. Massi Fazel: Sure. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So, so then do we need to wrap up right now? Karen? Can this, is this what you said? Because we're using this room. Carrington Lemon: Yes. Yes, we do have to wrap up cuz there's another call that we have to participate. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay. Okay. Massi Fazel: Okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: No worries. Massi Fazel: Sure. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So, so then we won't do the, no, the, the other task, but honestly, don't feel like you didn't help us cuz for sure this data will be helpful. Cuz you already told us where you re like, since the first questions from the interview too, right now, this is data that we will use. And this is exactly what we're looking for. Massi Fazel: Oh, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: If there is an issue, Massi Fazel: sorry. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: if it's. Massi Fazel: Oh, sure. Go ahead. Go. 1 Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Good for us. Massi Fazel: I'm happy if, Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Cuz we're going to use it. Massi Fazel: if, if I, yeah, if I could help you. I'm gonna be happy if I couldn't help you. I'm sorry about that. So I, I, I. Participated to be a, to be a, to be a health. Otherwise I wouldn't. So because, and then I just wanted to, to, to be a little bit, give you guys a little bit, I don't know, some, some stuff that this is working, this is not working, but I don't know if it was help or not, but. 1 Carrington Lemon: No, you, this has been. Massi Fazel: I Carrington Lemon: It's all, any information is helpful. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah. Massi Fazel: sure. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Any information you provided us with the lot? Carrington Lemon: It's. Yeah, so it's all been helpful and we would love to continue to hear your thoughts. It's just been unfortunate with the technical difficulties. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, Massi Fazel: No. That's okay. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: we have, because we have. Massi Fazel: I understand it. I, I get that. It's not, it's not the actual user face it's it's it's it's I, I understand it. That the speed and everything it's gonna have a problem. I, I get that. But thank you for your time. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Yeah, to be honest. Massi Fazel: I appreciate it. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Thank you for your time. And was what I was saying is that, to be honest, even the technical difficulties difficulties that we face, it's important for us. Cuz then we will know how to better. Behave in another usability testing. If we're going to use the same prototype for example, or not, cuz we know that it is heavy and it could be heavy in other computers. So we need to take that into consideration when we're doing the research. So it is very, actually very helpful. To know that. Massi Fazel: Sure. 1 Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: So thank you for participating. Thank you for, for everything. And we'll get in touch with you. We're we'll get in touch with you after. We finished. We wrap this up to talk about the, the compensation that we talked about. Okay. Massi Fazel: Sure go on. Bye-bye. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: Okay, Massi Fazel: Thank you. Bye. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: thank you. Bye-bye okay. I Carrington Lemon: All right, we can turn off the recording. I think. Block Explorer V2 UXR Kadena: yeah.