Phase Kickoff: April 29, 2024

Phase End: June 28th, 2024

Welcome to TMV team! We’re happy you’re here!

Get started here 👉 with TMV Virtual Onboarding

We know it’s a lot of information to take in! Let us guide you through the onboarding process with this Slide Deck.

High-level overview of project

Build a cross-platform mobile application that acts as an all-inclusive “hub” and entry point to The Melanin Village: a homeschooling community.

This “hub” will act as an entry point to The Melanin Village for both new and returning sisters, where they will receive access to resources and connection with like-minded people. This tool will benefit the TMV staff and clientele (AKA “Sisters”) by providing streamlined processes and easily-to-access information and resources. The Tech Fleet (TF) scope within this project specifically focuses on the community and social features - with the intention of replacing Mighty Networks, the platform they currently use for this purpose.

Phase 4 recommended scope

Bringing medium- to low-priority user stories to medium-fidelity designs.

Teams will meet work together to create user flows, lo-fi, and med-fi wireframes with branded copy and iterate throughout the phase based on the client’s feedback and Singular’s feasibility recommendations. The TF build team will hand-off final med-fi designs to our build partner [Singular Agency] by updating the respective Notion page.

Resources for Alignment + Continued Learning

<aside> 💡 I’m a file that holds all of our user stories.

This is where your team’s product team prioritizes user stories.


<aside> 💡 I’m an in-depth background on our client, The Melanin Village.

Check me out when you want to get a better understanding TMV.


<aside> 💡 I’m a dynamic document, that is modified and updated every phase.

Relate back to me to understand what’s in and out of scope.


<aside> 💡 I’m a space for exploration, onboarding, and learning.

Here you’ll find demo archives, TF agile teams info, TF handbooks, etc.


Day-to-Day Resources

<aside> 💡 I’m a tasks management tool, often used in agile settings.

Regularly update me with the status of your assigned tasks each sprint.


<aside> 💡 I’m a file that holds all of our user stories.

This is where your team’s product team prioritizes user stories.


<aside> 💡 I’m a table that includes important info on you and your teammates.

Discover time zones, emails, team and role assignments, and more.


<aside> 💡 I’m a recap of all of our sprints.

Relate back to me when you miss a meeting or to gather cross-functional info.
