

  1. Sprint 3 to dos -
    1. Updates on tasks
      1. Can everyone add their own tasks in the kanban board - including due dates, progress, and what sprint it belongs to?
      2. Christina- Experience Mapping
        1. Moved to the Research Google Drive
        2. Waiting on Interviews to continue building towards the maps
      3. Alice @Alice Qiu
        1. Additional Research on organizations who also receive similar funding r
          1. Private Foundations
          2. Corporate
          3. Community Partners
        2. Value Proposition Campus
          1. Consumer Section?
            1. Investors (investing in social causes)
              1. General areas of impact: Social, Youth, Community
            2. People who are being impacted
          2. Product side (providing value too)?
            1. PILR
            2. How is PILR going to align to pains and gains
            3. To see clear what value they are adding
      4. Ramya
        1. Persona’s
          1. Foundations/Grant Givers
          2. Draft, Google Doc
          3. Government
      5. Elizabeth
        1. Researching Orgs similar to PILR
        2. Generated 14 organizations
        3. 3-5 so far
  2. Interviews
    1. Friday, September 13th 1:30 pm EST
    2. Lead: Precious
    3. Notetaker: Alice
  3. Research Sprint 3 Planning Updates
    1. Sharing recruitment needs with larger PILR team and Tech Fleet team
      1. Screener
    2. Start recruiting for Sprint 4 usability testing
      1. Will also be recruiting people who don’t entirely fit the niche profile - synced with design, and we want some feedback over perfect feedback
  4. Phase 1 Research team logistics -
    1. Updates on team drop ins
      1. Content Team: Bi-Weekly Tuesday & Friday 11-11:30am EST
      2. Product Team: Tuesday 12:30 - 1:30 pm EST
      3. Design Team: Thursday 12 - 1 pm EST
      4. Project Team: Thursday 1 - 2 pm EST
    2. Research directory
    3. Research repository
  5. Midpoint check in
    1. Jenn & Precious will add their availability