- Sprint 3 to dos -
- Updates on tasks
- Can everyone add their own tasks in the kanban board - including due dates, progress, and what sprint it belongs to?
- Christina- Experience Mapping
- Moved to the Research Google Drive
- Waiting on Interviews to continue building towards the maps
- Alice @Alice Qiu
- Additional Research on organizations who also receive similar funding r
- Private Foundations
- Corporate
- Community Partners
- Value Proposition Campus
- Consumer Section?
- Investors (investing in social causes)
- General areas of impact: Social, Youth, Community
- People who are being impacted
- Product side (providing value too)?
- How is PILR going to align to pains and gains
- To see clear what value they are adding
- Ramya
- Persona’s
- Foundations/Grant Givers
- Draft, Google Doc
- Government
- Elizabeth
- Researching Orgs similar to PILR
- Generated 14 organizations
- 3-5 so far
- Interviews
- Friday, September 13th 1:30 pm EST
- Lead: Precious
- Notetaker: Alice
- Research Sprint 3 Planning Updates
- Sharing recruitment needs with larger PILR team and Tech Fleet team
- Screener
- Start recruiting for Sprint 4 usability testing
- Will also be recruiting people who don’t entirely fit the niche profile - synced with design, and we want some feedback over perfect feedback
- Phase 1 Research team logistics -
- Updates on team drop ins
- Content Team: Bi-Weekly Tuesday & Friday 11-11:30am EST
- Product Team: Tuesday 12:30 - 1:30 pm EST
- Design Team: Thursday 12 - 1 pm EST
- Project Team: Thursday 1 - 2 pm EST
- Research directory
- Research repository
- Midpoint check in
- Jenn & Precious will add their availability