Recording: Passcode: Q.Wr=g6p


  1. Sprint 1 to dos -
    1. Share finalized interview questions
    2. Mock practice sign up
      1. Interview script
        1. Ramya - 11 am EST Friday (Precious)
        2. Alice - 12 pm EST Friday (Precious)
        3. Alice - 10 am PST Saturday (Jenn)
        4. Elizabeth - 4:30pm EST Friday (Precious)
        5. Christina - 5pm PST Monday (Jenn)
        6. Christina - 11am EST Monday (Interview)
    3. Interviews
      1. Monday, August 26th @11 am EST
        1. Interviewer: Precious
        2. Notetaker: Christina
      2. Thursday, August 29th @2pm PST
        1. Interviewer: Jenn
        2. Notetaker: Elizabeth
  2. Phase 1 Research team logistics -
    1. Apprenticeship check in
      1. buddys?
      2. Dropping in on other team meetings
        1. Content Team: Tuesday & Thursday 11 - 11:30 am EST
        2. Product Team: Tuesday 12:30 - 1:30 pm EST
        3. Design Team: Thursday 12 - 1 pm EST
        4. Project Team: Thursday 1 - 2 pm EST
    2. Quick overview of the Kanban board
    3. Research gmail
    4. Research directory
    5. Research repository
  3. Build Research Plan together
    1. Jenn Reviewed the Research Plan with the team
    2. Contribute to the board by the next team meeting August 29th
      1. The sooner the better!
  4. Demo
    1. Who will be in attendance?
      1. Precious & Alice
    2. Review Demo Slides