Design Team

Sprint Week / Deliverable Goals Date
0 Week 1
• Ensure everyone is familiar with project goals and materials 1/29 - 2/4
1 - Hegazi Week 2
HMW questions
Ideating features
Iterating flows
Design guidelines
• HMW Questions, brainstorming features and addressing design debt (mentee profile creation, matching, booking, search & filter)
• Iterating flows based on brainstorming insights
• Establish design guidelines (layer naming, padding & spacing, breakpoints) 2/5 - 2/121
1 - Hegazi Week 3
Responsive Designs • Work to refine and unify designs (follow design guidelines, auto-layout, components)
• Work on responsive designs 2/12 - 2/18
2 - TBD Week 4
TBD 2/19 - 2/25
2 - TBD Week 5 TBD 2/26 - 3/4
Week 6 TBD 3/5- 3/11
3 - TBD Week 7 TBD 3/12 -318
4 - TBD Week 8 TBD 3/19 - 3/24
4 - TBD Week 9 TBD 3/26 - 3/31