
Focus on Simplicity and Intuitiveness: One of the key priorities for TMV is to create a more streamlined and intuitive experience for both current sisters and potential new members, especially when it comes to joining the community.

Emphasis on Curriculum and Flexibility: The long-term vision for TMV involves becoming a central resource for homeschooling families, particularly focusing on providing culturally affirming curriculums. The goal is to design the app with a high level of flexibility, enabling easy access to different roles and permissions, and allowing for a variety of curriculum options.

Sustainable Business Strategy: TMV is a self-sustaining organization, focusing on building partnerships and exploring opportunities for governmental incentives in states like Arizona. Additionally, the team plans to work on their newsletter strategy and improve the open/close event approach, considering pricing and higher retention rates, while ensuring that people feel well taken care of within the community.


Biggest problems:

  1. For current sisters: more simple and intuitive to navigate than Mighty Networks (not intuitive) should be able to log in and find what they need
  2. Ease of access in terms of joining community
    1. Currently open and close system
      1. propels people to take action
      2. TMV capacity concerns - it’s a lot of work since so much demand
  3. Flexibility and structure - creating “spaces/courses”
    1. Likes about Mighty Networks: flexibility & customization to make more personalized spaces (need templating to make it easier to do this)

Business goals for Phase 0