Research and User Finding:
The team discussed the importance of research and finding users for the project. They suggested reaching out to non-profits and organizations that work with ADHD children and sending them to the research team.
- One of the Project Management leads suggested reaching out to non-profits and organizations for user recruitment.
- It was also mentioned to creating a draft message for reaching out to potential users.
Skill Levels vs Grades:
The team discussed the importance of focusing on skill levels rather than grades when designing the app. They emphasized the need to tailor lessons to individual skill levels.
- One of the Design team leads mentioned the importance of designing for skill levels rather than grades.
- There was discussion regarding the balance between skill levels and grade levels in designing the app.
- Design team lead mentioned the importance of considering different age ranges and skill levels in the curriculum.
MVP Discussion:
The team mentioned the upcoming discussion on the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and the need to present something to the client. They also discussed the possibility of using FigJam for visual collaboration.
- Project Management lead mentioned the upcoming discussion on the MVP and expressed concerns about the timeline for developing the MVP.
- PM lead also mentioned the possibility of using FigJam for visual collaboration.
- The need to update the Notion document with the latest information was also mentioned.