1. Demo - Demo went well, and we presented on the content audit and content style guide! Hope mentioned during Q&A at the end that Sean’s Legacy’s MPH interns were working on developing an onboarding kit with information like discussion guides, terminologies, how to set goals etc, and asked for feedback on where to include this on the mentor dashboard/mentee onboarding, and/or if it should be emailed to new users.
  2. Meeting with UXD2 - @Angela Zhou @Steph Lance shared a bit about what Focus Group 2 is focusing on (mentor dashboard), and what they will be working on, and we shared about how we think content can help. We’re on the same page about getting UXW in early on their design process for content input, and for us to help with the dashboard IA, user flows and wire frames for Sprint 2. They discussed it a bit in their working session today, and have shared with us their Figjam file.
  3. I have some time this weekend and on Monday so I offered to do a first draft of the dashboard IA ahead of their meeting on Tuesday, just to speed things up a bit. No expectation for yall to work on this at all, but I’ll share my first draft with you when done!