Overall Weekly Update
Briefly outline the major updates for the week, whether they be team-related, client-related, or just celebrating an achievement. Keep things positive!
Team Updates
Each team should provide a brief overview of what they’ve been up to during the sprint and point readers to resources they’ve used to complete their work.
Research Team
The research team has worked on understanding Ruminate’s work and goals for the feedback platform. This took place through several activities for the week;
- Distill artifact document on what’s been done and what remains for the feedback platform
- Review a research template so the UXR team can have a research framework to build towards
- Requested background information from Ruminate team to further understand and define research scope
- Reviewing additional documents shared by Ruminate team(Evaluation form, etc.)
- Developing a draft research plan
Design Team
Design team started with analyzing the artifacts provided by Ruminate
We have done Job To be Done(JTD) exercise.
Up Next
- Categorize and analyze the JTD into features/requirements
- Work on design system by creating UI Elements
- Work on ideation sketches
Writing Team
Development Team