During Sprint 1, our focus was on setting team objectives and establishing our team manifesto and working agreements. This sprint laid the foundation for our collaborative efforts and aligned us on our project goals.
The Research Team has been actively preparing for the first set of heuristic analyses to gain insights into user experiences and interface effectiveness.
The Design Team dedicated this sprint to reviewing the current website design, identifying areas for improvement, and aligning design concepts with project objectives.
The Writing Team has initiated planning for a comprehensive content audit to assess existing content, identify gaps, and plan for future content strategy and creation.
The Development Team formation is underway, with initial discussions on team structure and technology stack preferences to commence development tasks in the upcoming sprints.
The Strategy Team has been focused on crafting an overarching strategic plan that aligns project goals with broader organizational objectives, ensuring coherence and direction across teams.
As we move forward into Sprint 2, each team will begin executing their respective plans and contributing towards our sprint goals. Coordination and communication will remain key as we progress towards delivering valuable outcomes for our project.