Research Team Members

⭐️ Leads Ana Liang ([email protected]) ****Eva Thai ([email protected])

🎓 Apprentices Cassandra Broeker ([email protected]) Srijoy Bhattacharya ([email protected]) Ella Kim ([email protected]) Christine Huynh ([email protected])

Project Overview

The main objective of this project was to establish and implement an online mentorship program benefiting LGBTQIA+ youth. In doing so, we wanted to:

  1. Create a welcoming mentorship platform that invites mentors and mentees to feel uplifted
  1. Create a sense of community and connection from the user journey of the mentor and mentee.
  2. Increase engagement in mentors and mentees in using a digital platform to open up about sensitive topics.
  3. Understand Mentor’s and Mentee’s mental models, behaviors, expectations, needs, and pain points.

From a research perspective, the overall goal of our project was to create a mentorship space that would work to uplift and encourage a young, marginalized community in their academic and extracurricular pursuits, in the hopes of fulfilling Sean Myer’s legacy by deterring queer suicidal ideation. In the initial stages of this project, we narrowed our target mentee user demographics to young adults between the ages of 18 to 25 and identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. With this population in mind, we set out to create a mentorship platform that would provide guidance and advice coming from mentors that these users could identify and relate to.

In order to achieve our project goals, we used a variety of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, including, but not limited to, surveys, user interviews, affinity mapping, and moderated and unmoderated usability tests through the course of our generative and evaluative research processes.

Together, the results from our research will support the project direction by providing rich details about our target audience and what they most value in a digital mentorship platform.

<aside> 📌 Please view our Research Plan for a weekly breakdown of agenda and tasks per sprint.


Generative Research

Competitor Analysis

In-Depth Interviews

User Stories

Evaluative Research

Content Writing

Unmoderated Test (Flow 1)

Moderated Usability Testing

Unmoderated Test 2 (Flow 1)