The UXW/Content team was introduced to the Sean’s Legacy’s TechFleet project in Phase 2. Their handoff document reviews the work they completed and recommendations for the Phase 3 Content team.

Style guide

Thrive Out Loud Content Style Guide (NEW)

We expanded on and added many topics in the style guide throughout this phase.

Content team Figjam

Content team Figjam

The process we used

Stage Kanban board ticket Communication Notes
Topic identified as needing to be edited or added to SG - Create a ticket

Sprints 1-2

At first, the leads considered the expansion of the style guide a low-priority task that could be worked on throughout the phase. We saw many topics Phase 2 had started and noted for Phase 3 to finish. While we worked on those topics, we prioritized tasks supporting other teams (read on to Cross-functional Collaborations for details).

List of things we edited/added during Sprint 1 and 2:

The pivot

By the end of Sprint 2, we wanted to have more ownership of our deliverables versus primarily playing a support role to other teams with their deliverables. We were feeling underworked and ready to take on more. We brainstormed together using Figjam to come up with ideas on what we’d like to work on.

Content team Figjam

Content team Figjam

The top two deliverables we decided to focus on were the style guide and the mentor onboarding kit and the resource handbook. Based on the MPH intern's limited availability and projected timeline for completion, we realized focusing primarily on the style guide would allow us to finish it by the end of the Phase. Not completing the style guide would have greater implications in the future (ex. having to re-audit existing designs whenever new material is added to the style guide).

Sprints 3-4

Style Guide Audit & Comparative Analysis

Until now we had relied on Phase 2 Content team’s directives to identify what topics we needed to add to the style guide. With a renewed focus, we decided to complete an audit of our style guide and create a comparative analysis against 4 other style guides.