How do you acquire evaluators

Through social media, put out posts for the pilot before and got overwhelming responses.  Want to do a larger push soon to have people on the waiting list.

What are the criteria for evaluators (i.e the process of becoming evaluators)?

How do you make connections manually at the moment?

Currently, mainly both sides. Complete a form, sent it onto Excel, and electronically match the variables. Intake- most work in retail, some in the distribution of food world, someone specifically wanted that at least half are in retail because she wants accurate pricing information.  She had 6-7 evaluators and made sure at least 3 were in retail.

1st round: Ruminate tells producer (these are who I would've matched you with does it make sense? and producer can say no actually I don’t want anyone in retail for instance)

2nd round: they asked producers after the fact (did the matching work out?)

3rd round: some producers want a specific ratio (i.e where they want a certain number in retail)

Do producers mail the product to evaluators?

Do producers also want feedback from marketing imagery?


What is the evaluation process for a product?

The evaluation form has 4 distinct sections: