Platform: mobile or web-based app?
Ruminate wants a web-based app with compatibility with mobile.
1st - potential evaluators
- Fill out a form expressing interest of being an evaluation
- They Will receive a form to confirm their interest.
- Send in docs, resume, and qualification forms
- Evaluators are any individual who has experience evaluating form (ie distributors, etc.)
- Evaluations from all 7-8 evaluators are collated by Ruminate and sent to the producer
2nd - producer
- Producer intake.
- Fill out a form to express how they would like reviews to be done (product evaluation request form - exclusively box clicking)
- Producers submit a goal statement which is sent along to evaluators; Ruminate creates a one-pager with a goal statement and other info that sets the tone for evaluation - that form/pdf is common
- Get connected to the evaluator.
- They get connected with 7 - 8 evaluators for one round.
- EVALUATION process different between 1 or multiple products
Evaluation for cheese
- Evaluators are given 7 days to evaluate, it would be nice to give them fewer days
- After 7 days the cheese is degrading where it’s not fair to evaluate for producers at that point
- Ruminate will like to be heavily involved with the appearance of the platform and therefore will like to be carried along with the design team.