Design Meeting Summary

Ruminate Design Meeting + Client

Attendance:All of design + PM + Prod. + John + some shadowers

📝 Agenda:

  1. Strategy Team:
    1. Prioritize Login before Forms
    2. Full dev. homepage, login, and have mid-fi version for the producer, eval. and admin dashboard.
    3. To ensure we hit all deliverables we are focusing on functionality over visual
    4. Design and dev. will vote on best design given teams scope and will go from there.
    5. Defer/Table to the next phase if it goes outside of the timeline and hand over to the next phase (ex. tabling color - save lose ends for next phase)
    6. Client wants to make sure there is proper documentation on color accessibility so the next phase can work from what Phase 4 has done.
    7. Idea is to get 85% what client wants but if client was 100%, then defer to the next phase.
    8. Documentation is key.
  2. Landing Page Colors - Heidi:
    1. Showed proposed colors that are tested for accessibility but are still close to the existing brand colors (left go, middle close as possible, third darker for form reason)
    2. Client picked far right landing page (no hero image, sandwich as a place holder)
    3. Table the colors for the homepage for next phase.
  3. Form Colors - Heidi:
    1. Showed option 1 - white form blue background and option 2 - blue form and blue background.
    2. Client mentioned they would not pick either color but will go with option 2 (blue form and blue background for this phase).
    3. Table the color (blue) for the forms for next phase
  4. Landing Page Typo/Size - Sally:
    1. Showed existing vs. proposed typography in the prototype mode
    2. Kept Anton and Manrope for font
    3. Client agreed - liked how everything looked smaller
  5. Login Screens - Komal:
    1. Design priority for Login screens as requested by the devs
    2. Presented existing producer and eval. and what their login user story will look like
    3. Dev. offere google with or email OR both
    4. Client was interested in pros and cons with both options
  6. Producer Sign Up Flow - Caroline
    1. Showed proposed producer flow against their flow based on the CX map
    2. Client wants a cart idea and kept mentioning Amazon as a comparison
    3. Client wants a seamless initial producer flow


  1. Landing Page Colors
  2. Form Colors (blue different shade)


  1. Applied tabling at meeting today
  2. Time boxed our topics, thank you burcu