Meeting Summary:
Ruminate Design Meeting
Attendance: All of design + PM + John + Shadowers
Date: 11/17/2023
- Go over teams work:
- Burcu: Product Details page
- Went thorugh product details
- Will create more sketches to show
- Nancy: Evaluator Dashboard
- Pointed Hieid to her work in her playground
- Caroline: Admin Dashboard Part
- Went through sketches
- Navigation:
- Top Navigation:
- Logo take user to landing page (top left)
- Logged in user needs a way to get back to dashboard from there
- Login and Logout Terms
- Side navigation for all three dashboards (P, E, and A)
- Producer:
- Evaluations
- Plan/Payment/Upgrade
- Notifications
- Profile
- Settings
- Help
- Logout
- Evaluator:
- Evaluations
- Scheduling
- Notifications
- Profile
- Settings
- Help
- Logout
- Reasoning for side nav for PE = future scoping if they want to add more features in such as messaging for ex.
- Round table comments
- Team let leads know if you are close to finishing your pages, more pages to create
- TBD for dashboards
📆Tentative Schedule:
- Left nav. bar sketches due monday (so we can pick and it be consistent throughout our dashboards)
- Get sketches done when you can and write quick notes
- Will have an area where we as a team can vote for designs on Monday
- Come up with potential questions for client meeting monday