Meeting Summary:

Ruminate Design Meeting

Attendance: All of design + PM + John + Shadowers

Date: 11/17/2023


  1. Go over teams work:
    1. Burcu: Product Details page
      1. Went thorugh product details
      2. Will create more sketches to show
    2. Nancy: Evaluator Dashboard
      1. Pointed Hieid to her work in her playground
    3. Caroline: Admin Dashboard Part
      1. Went through sketches
  2. Navigation:
    1. Top Navigation:
      1. Logo take user to landing page (top left)
      2. Logged in user needs a way to get back to dashboard from there
      3. Login and Logout Terms
    2. Side navigation for all three dashboards (P, E, and A)
      1. Producer:
        1. Evaluations
        2. Plan/Payment/Upgrade
        3. Notifications
        4. Profile
        5. Settings
        6. Help
        7. Logout
      2. Evaluator:
        1. Evaluations
        2. Scheduling
        3. Notifications
        4. Profile
        5. Settings
        6. Help
        7. Logout
      3. Reasoning for side nav for PE = future scoping if they want to add more features in such as messaging for ex.
  3. Round table comments


  1. Team let leads know if you are close to finishing your pages, more pages to create
  2. TBD for dashboards

📆Tentative Schedule:

  1. Left nav. bar sketches due monday (so we can pick and it be consistent throughout our dashboards)
  2. Get sketches done when you can and write quick notes
  3. Will have an area where we as a team can vote for designs on Monday
  4. Come up with potential questions for client meeting monday