1. Dev. Language Informational Presentation (John)
  2. THANK YOU! So fun to listen to!
  3. Landing Page
  4. Dev. would like measurements with the sections (and content blocks) on the wireframes
  5. Site Map
  6. Shared with team our creation of the site map based on clients card sort
  7. Discussed only primary nav. ONLY and not secondary
  8. Navigation
  9. Went over different options of the navigation bar with the team
  10. Please vote on your favorite and leave comments and recommendations by EOD today - 10/20/2023!

📅Tentative completion dates:

  1. Today EOD:
  2. Vote/Comment on Top Nav.
  3. Respond to Sean’s comments on User Flows
  4. Monday:
  5. Handoff landing page to dev.
  6. Navigation finalized

✨ Takeaways:

  1. Skeleton = wireframe sections + red measurements in figma (can always tweak) + blocks of content (would be nice) 💀
  2. Showing better than telling 🎪