- Dev. Language Informational Presentation (John)
- THANK YOU! So fun to listen to!
- Landing Page
- Dev. would like measurements with the sections (and content blocks) on the wireframes
- Site Map
- Shared with team our creation of the site map based on clients card sort
- Discussed only primary nav. ONLY and not secondary
- Navigation
- Went over different options of the navigation bar with the team
- Please vote on your favorite and leave comments and recommendations by EOD today - 10/20/2023!
📅Tentative completion dates:
- Today EOD:
- Vote/Comment on Top Nav.
- Respond to Sean’s comments on User Flows
- Monday:
- Handoff landing page to dev.
- Navigation finalized
✨ Takeaways:
- Skeleton = wireframe sections + red measurements in figma (can always tweak) + blocks of content (would be nice) 💀
- Showing better than telling 🎪