Table of Contents
Research team meeting summary 9/20:
- They had discussion about first draft off research plan 07: They are going to do a survey about knowing how parents using apps or other solutions to help with children's math learning.They will finish editing this week and sent out the survey soon
- They are fishing up what they did last week of gamification literature review
- They are starting to do customization competitive audit
Research team meeting summary 9/27
- Discussion on ADHD customization competitive audit app list and decided to list pros and cons for each app as reference
- Thinking of the format of the survey and the tactics of recruiting participants
- Discussion on refining survey questions & options
Summary 10/2
- Sharing competitive analysis
- Unfortunately, there’s no new information that we already know
- Refining survey
- Will be reaching out to people from previous phase
- Survey is ready to go out
- Create actionable insights and recommendations for Design team
- Join Design meeting to talk about testing
Summary 10/4 Research and design·