
Table of Contents



Project Overview


[Describe finEQUITY and goals outlined in the finEQUITY role description document]


Research Statements



Research Objectives


  1. Learn about the makeup of reentry Partner organizations and the backgrounds of justice-impacted individuals
  2. Discover our target users’ current process for finding financial reentry services and identify barriers to accessing those services.
  3. Understand people’s motivations and needs when arriving at the finEQUITY website.
  4. Learn about people's specific pain points and frustrations with the finEQUITY website and how they would improve it.


User Groups


<aside> <img src="/icons/groups_blue.svg" alt="/icons/groups_blue.svg" width="40px" />

User Group 1: Participants


<aside> <img src="/icons/groups_blue.svg" alt="/icons/groups_blue.svg" width="40px" />

User Group 2: Partners


<aside> <img src="/icons/groups_blue.svg" alt="/icons/groups_blue.svg" width="40px" />

User Group 3: Donors
