
Research: Zeenath Kazimi, Clarissa Hyun, Ry Kron, Temofe Akaba, Shylaja Bagchi

Stakeholders: Morgan Denner/Tech Fleet

Document created by: Ry Kron

Last Updated: 6/13/22 by Ry Kron


Engaging with blockchains is difficult and confusing, especially for newcomers. Sending or receiving tokens on blockchains requires the knowledge of how each blockchain operates. On some blockchains you have to take particular steps to successfully send tokens, and if you make a mistake, you could lose all the tokens you were trying to send.


K Wallet, as it’s tentatively titled, is a proposed open source crypto wallet browser extension with the goal of making it easy and seamless for users to send tokens across different blockchains. K Wallet will be built on the Kadena blockchain and forked from the open-source Metamask wallet extension.

The vision for K Wallet is to create an experience where users don’t have to think to utilize the blockchain. The extension seeks to eliminate user error involved in sending and receiving tokens by automatically validating details of a transaction and alerting users if there’s a problem before they make a costly mistake.

Research Goal

We want to learn more about the problems or difficulties users experience while utilizing blockchains and wallet extensions to better understand what to deliver in the K Wallet MVP. We’re particularly interested in the perspective of those who are new to using blockchains.

Research Objectives

  1. Identify problems and frustrations users have when utilizing the blockchain
  2. Identify the most common errors/problems users encounter when sending/receiving tokens
  3. Determine if there are specific blockchain problems we need to address in our solution (ex: multiple chains on Kadena, entering memos when sending from Stellar, etc)
  4. Identify feature and usability gaps and opportunities among our competitors
  5. Assess the general knowledge level of users about crypto and blockchains

Research Questions

K Wallet Interview Questions