K Wallet Research Round 2 Plan


Researchers: Zeenath Kazimi, Clarissa Hyun, Ry Kron, Temofe Akaba, Shylaja Bagchi, Kalai Atiga-Atando, Sashna Mukund, Priya Rao

Stakeholders: Morgan Denner/Tech Fleet

Document created by: Ry Kron

Last Updated: 7/15/22 by Ry Kron


Our previous prototype test revealed there were multiple pain points for users. Specifically, there were issues of clarity on the transaction summary screen and with selecting amounts to send in the transaction flow. Users also felt that some screens could be combined to reduce the length and overall amount of information presented. Finally, the create/import wallet flow in prototype V1 does not explain terms that may be confusing for new users (like seed phrase, etc).


With the first round of usability testing of our wallet prototype complete, we’ve identified several of the pain points crypto users with 1-3 years of experience had and presented our findings to the design team. The design team has taken our research and created a new prototype that specifically addresses issues found in the create/import wallet flow, which we now need to validate.

Research Goal(s)

We want to gather feedback from experienced Kadena users about our revised prototype to better understand their unique thoughts, needs, and potential frustrations with our redesigned create/import wallet flow.

We also want to gather more qualitative data by asking these same users exploratory questions about how they got into crypto, what problems they faced transitioning into Kadena from other blockchains, and if there are any features or functionalities they’d need that we’ve overlooked.

Research Objectives