How do we know the redesigned website effectively meets the needs of our target audiences?
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Sprint 3 Screening Survey
In order to screen potential study participants, the UXR team developed a brief screener survey on Google Forms. This survey asked questions about individual’s occupational backgrounds and general technology usage, as well as more evaluative questions including comfort with technology, comfort with managing their personal finances, and familiarity with banking institutions.
The data collected in this survey was used to select potential participants for usability testing. Researchers hoped to focus on those participants who rated their comfort with technology and managing personal finances a “3” or lower, indicating that they may struggle the most with usage of the redesigned website.
Usability Testing
The UXR team successfully conducted 7 usability sessions with participants identified through the screener survey. Prior to their session, participants signed a research consent form.
Usability testing was conducted on a mid-fi wireframe containing most UXW copy. Each UXR moderator worked from the same usability script that explored 3 themes: Services & Audience, Mental Models/ Navigability, and Credibility.
During testing, UXR moderators shared their screens with participants and participants were given the opportunity to view and explore the Homepage, Reentry Services page, and the Partner With Us page. Participants did not view the About Us page - UXD and UXW were working overtime to get this page done during the period UXR was conducting testing.
Due to time constraints, UXR team members were not able to recruit participants from finEQUITY’S target audiences (formerly incarcerated folks, second chance employers, and re-entry organizations). Still, participants in this usability test provided valuable feedback.