This research will address the following objectives as they pertain to Participants:
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Sprint 1
In the past, finEQUITY has worked with UX researchers to better understand usability challenges related to finEQUITY’s Prison to Prosperity app/portal. The Tech Fleet UXR team has access to 5 of these interviews focused on the portal. Interviews are about 30 minutes long and focus on the experiences of finEQUITY Participants.
To analyze these interviews, UXR team members will pull relevant quotes onto stickies in the UXR Figjam board. Team members will use affinity diagramming to identify common themes and pain points in the user experience.
Although the interviews are focused on Participants who participated in the Prison to Prosperity program which is not within our scope, the interviews can still offer valuable insights into the goals, attitudes, and challenges of Participants using finEQUITY services.
Click on a Finding to view quotes related to that topic.