.history (Frank)

.next (folder that Next.js uses to build project - all files get compiled, minified and bundled into this directory)

functions (Frank)

public (serves static files, like images, fonts)

images (images used across the project)

about (images used only on the about us page)

index (images used only on the landing page)

src (code for your pages, components, react hooks, etc)

components (folder for all custom components)

<aside> ⚠️ Note: each component has the following structure:

— [component name]

— index.tsx

— [component name].module.css


auth (login/signup buttons)

Layouts (folder for all components related to layouts, must be capitalized)

pages-about (folder for all components that appear on the about us page - mostly different sections)

pages-index (folder for all components that appear on the index page - mostly different sections)

context (folder to store any useContext files)


auth.ts (file for auth functions - they are currently in AuthContext but you might want to separate them and add them to this file)

config.ts (file for all firebase configuration - .env variables to be placed in .env.local file in the project root)

functions.ts (duplicate of auth.ts - you can keep whichever makes sense to you)

utils.ts (creates and initializes FirebaseApp instance/providers)

pages (folder for all project pages - they must be in this folder to be reachable by next/link routing)

testing-* (pages used to showcase antd components or used for testing custom components)