Problem statement

Describe the problem that is getting solved by this work. Why are we doing this project?

Our goal is to analyze and assess possible competitors for the Well@Work Labs project. By working towards this goal we are hoping to learn about current solutions that other companies have already launched. Doing this will help us learn more about how we can design a solution that meets the needs of our users and fills a gap in the market.

Project Strategy

Time to think strategically. How do you want to approach this project, and solve for the problem above? If you’re not sure, what are your initial thoughts? What do you still need to find out to determine a project strategy?

For this project, my strategy includes:

  1. Analyzing and assessing the existing competitive analysis that has been provided by Kat
  2. Organizing competitors to begin assembling the competitive matrix/desc. of insights
  3. Putting together a description of the competitive landscape

Why this solution? Any other ideas?

Ask yourself why you’ve chosen this strategy. And if there’s other ideas or possibilities, write them here too — and why or why not to pursue them.

I chose this solution because I have had success with this method in the past when conducting market research. I feel confident approaching the project with this strategy will yield great results I am also open to changing my strategy on as needed basis but currently do not have other ideas.

Key Deliverables

  1. Competitive Matrix - “generally refers to tools that help organize and visualize data about market competitors”
  2. Desc. of Competitive Landscape - “refers to the list of options a customer could choose rather than your product” -

Dependencies & risks


What are the risks? Currently the risks are: