Welcome to the notion landing page for Product Strategy team!

Deliverables / Figjam Files

Fractal Spaces MVP & Sprint Plan - PHASE 1 – FigJam

RACI Chart

Fractal Spaces PH 1 -Team Working Agreement - Google Docs

<aside> 📌 RESOURCES

Drop resources to other things here



<aside> 👋🏻 TEAM DETAILS

Add details about your team here

Name Role Ambassador Email Time Zone
Josh Cooper Co-lead [email protected] PST
Zankruta Chaudhari Co-lead [email protected] EST
Tata Collins Apprentice GMT+1
Hari Udayakumar Apprentice [email protected] PST
Noria Soumbou Apprentice [email protected] EST
Maria Gutin Apprentice [email protected] EST
Mia Lee Co-lead [email protected] EST

🔗 Important Links

LX notion page - FS inputs

LX notion page - fractal documentation


PS Meeting Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
All-hands Sprint Planning 6:30 PM EST/ 3:30PM PST Sprint Retro 2:30 PM EST/ 11:30AM PST Sprint Review 2:00 PM EST/ 11:00AM PST
Product Strategy team PS weekly team meeting 4:00 PM EST / 1:00 PM PST

🗃️ Meeting Recordings

Team Meetings

Product Strategy Team Tasks