To track and prioritize user stories and tasks. Below is an explanation of each section in the backlog contents:

  1. Epic: Provides a high-level overview of a major area of functionality in the product; categorizes and organizes related user stories.
  2. User Story ID: Reference number to identify each user story within the backlog.
  3. User Story: Provides a clear and concise explanation of the work item.
  4. Priority: Indicates the relative importance of each backlog item.
    1. P1: Must-have (critical to project success or delivery).
    2. P2: Should-have (important but not critical for immediate release).
    3. P3: Could-have (adds value but not necessary).
    4. P4: Will-not-have (out of scope for this release; deferred).
  5. Acceptance Criteria: Define measurable outcomes to validate whether the requirement is met.
  6. Tags: Adds metadata to classify and organize items by type, team, deliverable, or priority.
  7. Story Points: Provides an estimate of the effort or time in complexity involved with completing the item. Use numbers to reflect effort relative to other items.
    1. Story Point Scale Reference
      1. 1 Point: Minimal effort, can be completed independently (e.g., minor bug fix).
      2. 3 Points: Moderate complexity, requires some collaboration (e.g., designing a single page).
      3. 5 Points: High effort, involves significant research or cross-team coordination (e.g., designing a multi-page flow).
      4. 8 Points: Very high effort, spans multiple sessions or iterations (e.g., building a prototype with heavy interactivity).
  8. Sprint Assignment: Provides an estimate of the effort or complexity involved in completing the item. Sprint name or number (e.g., Sprint 1, Sprint 2).
  9. Owner: Identifies the team who created the task.
  10. Assignee: Identifies the team member(s) responsible for completing the work item.
  11. Status: Tracks the progress of the work item through its lifecycle.
