Project Charter Details
Project Name Thrive Out Loud (formerly Sean’s Legacy)
Project Sponsors Hope Denhert, Steph Lambruschini
Project Managers Jae Eun Shin, Brenda Yan
Product Managers Fabian Jujescu, Neha Ghosh
Last Updated April 18th, 2024
Project Description Sean’s Legacy, now Thrive Out Loud is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and uplifting LGBTQIA+ youth through academic efforts in the mentorship.

Product Vision

Sean's Legacy, now Thrive Out Loud, is committed to creating an online mentorship platform, connecting LGBTQ+ young adults aged 18+ with professional mentors. Our vision is to foster academic and career development, promote understanding of cultural workplace norms, and provide a safe space for advice and affirmation. Through this platform, we aim to instill a sense of belonging and hope, working towards the prevention of suicide ideation among LGBTQ+ individuals.

North Start Metric

“Your north star metric must be derived from a true understanding of what action provides realized value to the customer.”

  1. It measures the moment that a customer finds value from your product
  2. It represents the core of your current product strategy
  3. A leading (not lagging) indicator of a future business outcome that your company cares about.

Thrive Out Loud North Star Metrics: Long term Positive mentor and mentee matches

Details Status
Project Scope **In Scope (Hamburger):
-**Mentor/Mentee Onboarding matching process
-Able to store Data
-Basic mentor/mentee profile
-Responsive design for mobile and web
-Error messages
-Data Privacy

Out Scope - (Filet Mignon): -Messaging (ability for mentors and mentees to message without email or SMS -Onboard Scheduling (mentors and mentees finding time to meet) -Reviews and Feedback -Resources for Mentors: Mentor Resource Handbook; other educational materials -Resources for mentees: career info, blogs, articles, etc…) -Share or recommend a mentor -Mentor Onboarding Kit -Gamification (awards or badges to display levels of interaction)  -Profile Status -Group sessions -Descriptive Error States -Video conferencing (how mentors and mentees connect) -Help & FAQ -Reporting a user -Only limits people within the United States at this moment | Completed | | Project Milestones | - Vision & Mission

Sprint Goals Product Dev Research Design Content Due Date Velocity Scores Per Team
1 **- Auditing all design and content work

| - Audit existing mentor/mentee flows

| March 21, 2024 | Dev: P: 6 C: 14 Research: 34 Design: 105 Writing: 40 | | 3 | **- Implement mentee/mentor questionnaire **- Design profile pages and results page for mentor matches

Desktop Goals

Mobile Goals - High fidelity designs for Onboarding Sign up flow: Dashboard, Landing pages, Sign up/Log in + 2FA, match questions | - Edit dashboard and profile pages

| - Finalizing Information Architecture

Feature Feature Problem statements Success metrics
Report a user I am a mentee in the LGTBQIA+ community encountering inappropriate behavior on the platform, and…

Tech Fleet Goals per team

Product suggested phase 4+ features