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<aside> šŸ¤ Design Files Phase 2 Phase 2 Final Demo to Client

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SL UX Design 2

Seanā€™s Legacy Handoff Document

Phase 2 Designed Features

<aside> šŸ’” Our recommendation: Work on existing designs before moving onto new features!


Feature Details
Mentor landing page Landing page from mentors (intended to be seanslegacy.com/mentors or something similar), can be accessed from the main (mentee) landing page by navigating to ā€œfind a mentorā€

Features primary CTA at top and bottom of page, should push 1) impact of mentorship or why itā€™s valuable 2) steps to becoming a mentor (including BG check cost! we didnā€™t do that this phase, and imagine itā€™d be a deterrent) and 3) how it works / what mentorship entails

Safety is also something that should be highlighted here ā€” mentors info will be displayed to mentees only, unless theyā€™re okay with being featured on the landing page | | Mentor onboarding (email input, minimum required info) | Sign up ā†’ email verification ā†’ input minimum required information | | Mentor onboarding checklist | Includes:

Two pages that weā€™ve not yet designed require a lot of client input! | | Background check | Mentors need to complete a background check on an external site, this page informs mentors why this is requested, average timeline and cost, and directs them there. This page could use more content ā€” looks kind of blank right now, and leaves some questions unanswered imoā€¦ | | Mentor profile | Ran out of time to get to high fidelity screens for editing the mentor profile, but the flow for filling out the profile + viewing the final profile has been done. Completed profile screen needs to be synced with the menteeā€™s completed profile screen. |

Designs from Phase 2 should undergo these tasks

ā­ļø 1st priorities

ā­ļø 2nd priorities

ā­ļø 3rd priorities

Phase 2 Out-of-Scope Features ā†’ Potential Phase 3 Features

Feature Recommendation Details
Mentor dashboard (post-approval) Hub for mentors to access all necessary info (mentee match requests, messages, update Calendly availability, mentoring resources) Initial login can display upcoming mentee calls, mentee stats, general dashboard view ā€” vertical side bar can allow mentor to click off to separate pages like availability, resources, requests, messages, etc

Resources should be visible to mentors while waiting for approval and have a permanent home within the mentorā€™s dashboard so they may refer back to them at any point. This should include the items in the onboarding checklist and SLā€™s ā€œonboarding kitā€. | | Availability | Using Calendly API - need to ask Dev how this would be implemented | Not certain what needs to be designed, define these screens before starting! Check this out

For mentors to have more autonomy over their schedule, we thought of having mentees request to view mentor availability before scheduling themselves in, since Calendly automatically creates the meeting (doesnā€™t require mentor approval of it, which feels a little loss-of-control-y) | | Match requests | Mentee sends request to mentor, mentor can choose to approve or deny | Content will be important in this - think carefully about how rejection could be handled. Maybe mentor inputs why they decline? | | Mentoring Resources | Need more information from MPH interns on what is included in the mentoring resources. This will include training programs, videos and how-toā€™s, articles, goal setting info, etc.

| Resources should be visible to mentors while waiting for approval and have a permanent home within the mentorā€™s dashboard so they may refer back to them at any point. This should include the items in the onboarding checklist and SLā€™s ā€œonboarding kitā€ along with other resources. | | ā€œOnboarding kitā€ AKA Mentoring Resources | Need more information from MPH interns on what is included in the mentoring resources. Name needs input from UXW- for now weā€™ve used ā€œmentor resourcesā€ | MPH / SL should be working on this. They are determining if this will also be sent via email. This should be a checklist on the mentor dashboard page because some will be required. The resources that are not required can live on the ā€œresourcesā€ page. | | Mentor Community | Mentor support where mentors can check-in, ask questions, share ideas and tips with other mentors. | Mentor-to-mentor cohort support. Potentially using other community building tools such as Slack or Discord | | Mentee progress | Consult research | What are tangible milestones that would encourage mentors to continue mentoring? Number of minutes mentored, number of mentees helped, etcā€¦ | | Mobile and tablet designs | For future screens, do mobile first! | | | Mentee Cards | Similar to the Mentor cards, there should be cards for Mentees with their image, name, preferences, interests, etc.

These would be visible under match requests or under a mentorā€™s existing mentees list ā€” can click on card to see full profile | These would serve as a snapshot of the mentee so mentors can easily identify them in their list of mentees who have scheduled time with them, and have a quick overview available before heading into a mentoring session | | Onboarding checklist: Community guidelines checklist item | Design a page for the Community guidelines Team: Content, design, SL | This needs to be a visual guide of what the community expects from its mentors and mentees. Reference insights from UXR interviews. | | Onboarding checklist: Privacy policy checklist item | Design a page for the privacy policy. Team: content, design, SL | This needs to be be a visual of the privacy policy determined by SL and content. It can show a confirmation of agreement and users can continue to refer back to it from the ā€œresourcesā€ page. | | Design Iterations | Moderated and Unmoderated Usability results | Take time to understand insights from UXR affinity mapping and their recommendations. (CTA to becoming a mentor from the main landing page is not super clear, plus it means that users are essentially clicking ā€œbecome a mentorā€ then ā€œsign upā€ back to back. Can we also make it more clear what the commitment is like for becoming a mentor. This information could live on the mentor landing page and also the onboarding pages. |

Collaboration and Team Structure Reflection