Table of Contents:

<aside> 🎯 Sean’s Legacy Mentorship Platform Target Release: Q4 2025 Beta Test Launch: January 2025 Document Status: V1 October 9th, 2023


<aside> 💭 This document incorporates the details for the potential launch of Sean’s Legacy (SL) Mentorship Program, as well as recommendations for the teams who will work on future Tech Fleet phases of SL.

This Product Requirements Document (PRD) is a living collaborative document that provides a comprehensive overview of the Sean’s Legacy mentorship project. This is the North Star of the product development journey that will serve as a constant reference point.

Phase 3 Team Members

1. Project Overview

2. Feature Building Progress

3. Success Metrics

4. Features: Backlog and Pricing

5. Launch

6. Client and Open Questions

7. Phase 3 Handoff Resources + Deliverables

8. Next Steps