
  1. Implement Phase 1 product, design, research, and development insights and recommendation.

  2. Members of phase 1 will be presenting insights to new Phase 2 members to ensure product and expectations align.

  3. Redefine and reprioritize MVP and MMP scope and priorities with the client and team, including but not limited to the following:

    a. Focus on the vetting process of mentors/ mentees including a background check (focus on safety)

    b. Logistics of how a session will be requested by a mentee (Calendly or other API’s)

    c. Mentor/ mentee questionnaire for maximized matching

    1. The UXR team will also receive support from Sean’s Legacy’s Master of Public Health Research team.

    d. Direct messaging between mentors and mentees

    1. Whisper technology

    2. End-to-end encryption

    3. Emphasize on safety measures

    4. Validate Phase 1 designs and create responsive designs (mobile, tablet, desktop), including but not limited to the following:

    5. Error states

    6. 404 pages

    7. Focus on any design debt from phase 1

    8. Perform validation and evaluative UX research throughout the entire project.

      1. Exploratory research on new flows
      2. Consult with Sean’s Legacy’s master of Public Health Research Team.
    9. Create interaction and service designs for new flows per the client’s needs.

    10. Develop high-fidelity, pixel-perfect design sets representing the client’s needs.

    Project Deliverables

    1. High-fidelity, pixel-perfect, responsive designs
    2. Feature specifications documented in the form of user stories, acceptance criteria, and UX deliverables.
    3. UX deliverables that the team creates, including but not limited to user task flows, user stories, personas, user journeys etc.
    4. Research and testing insights/ recommendations from continuous discovery (zero to many rounds of research per week). Including but not limited to) competitive analysis, interviews, sitemap validation, and personas
    5. Front and back-end development of the Phase 1 insights and high-fidelity designs.