Section Insights Recommendations Themes
Landing Page 4/6 couldn’t tell right away this was a site for professional mentorship (vs personal) Emphasize providing professional support. Include why professional mentorship is critical within the queer community (are there stats on the gap this program is aiming to fill?).
Landing Page 4/6 thought the landing page was too long/didn’t think of scrolling because there is a lot of information on the page Condense the page. Create a separate page linked to the “learn more” button, move related information there (How do we support or members, curious about becoming a member) OR consider making all sections a drop down
Profile Creation 3/6 prefer to have the simple identity questions answered before profile creation, or to have answered them first once profile is created (easier to get them out of the way) Filling out identity categories either before profile creation or as the first step to profile creation fits in with mental model that participants have from filling out similar applications

Have participants answer a few “easy” questions about identity as the first step toward account creation OR immediately after account creation (less cognitive load stuff up front; more difficult stuff like open-text boxes later) | | | Profile Creation | 3/6 were confused by identity categories like MLM, Two-Spirit, etc. | Research (concept testing) on categories and labels | | | About Me section | Want to know what the mentees will see on their end | | | | About Me section | 3/6 felt that “where does your story begin?” was a confusing prompt | Change “Where does your story begin?” to “Tell us a little bit about yourself” WITH explanation that this will be shown at the top of their profile page and the first thing that mentees will see Also there is an inconsistency in “My Story: Where does your story begin?” and after profile completion. “About: I am...” | | | About Me section | 3/6 unsure about what type of skills would be included under “What are your skills?” (e.g. Are they technical skills like Microsoft Excel or soft skills like leadership?) | Include examples below each question | | | Background Check | 5/6 Feel like a background check is fair to ask and good for safety, but want more info on what is being checked for and what would disqualify them | Include brief information about what would disqualify mentors from being considered by the program (credit history? ANY criminal background?) | | | | | | |